How come this textboard isn't more popular? (107)

97 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-13 20:47 ID:Heaven

It wasn't that nice anymore. I quit a while back because I didn't recognize it anymore and going to a kind place and just seeing the same people make the same dumb aggressive christian moralization because they really think it's important on a tiny imageboard just felt worse than seeing those same dumb posts anywhere else where such people are expected. Who wants to be lectured by retards on imaginary morals based on a corrupted book written by corrupted humans and not be able to call them retards back? So the retards post retarded shit over and over and you just ignore them leading other retards to think that retardation is welcome and potentially old culture interested people are turned off and don't stay and suddenly it's only retards who think retardation is culture and that they are fighting a culture war on worlds smallest imageboard.
/jp/ boards rule, /pol/christians drool.

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