textbunker.net (60, permasaged)

48 Name: Anonymous : 2023-05-03 02:50 ID:QrCtHiP4


>the media is doing its darndest to paint anonymity as some sort of inherent evil.

Urbit is going to fix the internet, its web3 done right putting the power in the hands of the user again. it's already come a long way and only getting more and more active. it's structure is pseudo anonymous. meaning you have an identity but it's in your best interest to keep it clean because they cost money, thus being a retard is prevented on urbit. there are totally anonymous identities as well (comets) which are free and disposable. but unlike planets (true ids) you have limited functionality and some groups don't allow them to post.

so urbit will have a bit of everything for everyone. this old crusty web 2.0 shit is about to die and i say good riddance. no more domain cartels. no more relying on big corp infrastructure.

god save king moldbug.

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