textbunker.net (60, permasaged)

55 Name: Anonymous : 2023-05-09 22:57 ID:QrCtHiP4

the problem isn't getting something up and running. putting some forum software and a linux distro on a spare pc isn't hard at all. the problem is DNS. until their is a way to map domain names to ips without using a crypto scam buttchain or some some other technical crap. 99% of people simply wont ever know it exists. it's either that or you depend on the domain cartels until they decide your site has too much wrongthink on it and pull the plug on your domain.

as crazy as it sounds, tor is the closest thing we have to a dns alternative. but it has the same problem as ips. too long and too hard to remember.

dns is the achelies heel of the internet.

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