Apple Vision pro, yay or nay? (48)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-26 01:16 ID:4xvWTJYY


>There's something comforting in knowing that these have to bait, since the kind of person who's a hardcore Apple elitist would never venture deeper into the internet than the Apple frontpage or Facebook.

I'm not an Apple fanboy in any regard. I honestly haven't used an Apple product (unless you count, like, putting your phone number in a person's phone when they ask you for yours) since the late 1990s when they were the standard computer system you'd find in most Canadian public schools. Yet I can tell you have a very naïve view of Apple products/users. Like yeah sure they do have a niche of products that they specifically market to normies with too much money to waste just so they can have the latest iPhone or whatever. This is mostly a result of anyone - normies or otherwise - simply being able to appreciate good industrial design. It's not like you had to be a designer to appreciate the work of Dieter Rams did for Braun last century, or to appreciate the hyper-commodified minimalism of Sony industrial design.

But there are still a ton of professionals and hobbyists that love their products. And again...while I haven't touched one in a long time...I know many who do within my field of work (architecture, art & design) and they are hardly the sort of retard normie that just lurks Facebook and stuff. Apple products fill a very specific niche in certain lines of work and that's great that they can do. And they are also a good business minded company that has been able to also capitalize on simply releasing nice looking products (that's subjective, tho...I don't really like the look of their stuff) to a mainstream audience so that they are able to earn lots of revnue/profits/etc which they can reinvest in both good products but also good design.

The whole "haha Apple sux!!! iDiotphones and stuff r bad!!!" is a lazy and ignorant point of view to take. They have contributed sooooooo much to computing history whether it's new products or promoting a good competitive and innovative atmosphere in their early days (which still persists today).

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