Apple Vision pro, yay or nay? (48)

21 Name: Anonymous : 2023-06-30 22:11 ID:71yB+GV0

I think VR is here to stay at least in the near future. VR games are popular especially VRchat and Beatsaber. There's lot's of improvements and innovation in the space of VR including haptics, eye tracking and selective rendering, and positional tracking technology. Examples of which have not only improved the VR experience but have leaked out into other fields as well. It's being used in various commercial and governmental training simulations for a variety of industries. I also believe that there's a large untapped market for hobbyist or game type simulators that utilize VR to it's full potential.

>The iPhone took off because you can use it to browse the internet comfortably on the go. You can't use a bulky headset on the go unless you want to look like a complete idiot.

When apple was talking about their product being "portable" they were probably talking about it in the context of an office building or something.

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