Twitter is dead! 4-ch lives! (77)

53 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-29 10:45 ID:O3DBzLXn

If something is labeled GNU there’s a 50/50 chance it will suck. The FSF and GNU project are lazy and cheap. They stopped putting out quality software decades ago. Now they are just a masturbation cult around Stallman. Those morons are still wasting their time on useless projects that have no purpose, like Hurd which nobody wants or will ever use anyway. Do you really trust a bunch of fat out of touch programmers to develop a good alternative social network? They don’t even know what socializing is.

The best alternative to Twitter are old fashioned message boards and phpbb/vbulletin sites (softwares created by FSF anyway). But nothing beats karehe script. These are sophisticated 2ch softwares created by Japanese so they are flawless and perfect. Kareha was the peak.

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