Twitter is dead! 4-ch lives! (77)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-28 02:40 ID:tjglI9yY

Twitter has officially rebranded as X and the service is now dysfunctional and falling apart. In other news, Kuz has AIDS and Kolyma has disbanded. Yet despite all this, 4-ch lives on!
ヘ(^^ヘ) PARTY TIME (ノ^^)ノ

2 Name: Mr. 2 GET likes to 2 GET : 2023-07-28 08:23 ID:oWcRCUtr

Twitter was full of idiots, I had a great laugh at the people who were actually upset about all the things that were happening.

I think in particular, the ones who saw it as some public service they were entitled to use, and got mad at the audacity of Elon Musk to do what he pleases with a company he owns. And the ones who seemed to think what twitter users were thinking was what the general public was thinking as a whole.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-28 17:00 ID:tjglI9yY

What get’s me about Twitter is how the user base haven’t quit and founded some alternative like the way 7chan or 2chan happened. Then come all the op eds denouncing Musk and trying to absolve Twitter. Like Twitter is this perfect angel “digital town square” and Elon came and ruined it. They are so addicted they can’t get over it. I honestly wonder how the internet would look if it wasn’t for that god forsaken site. Nu4chan rage baiting replacing the old lulzy meme factory that was the internet probably had a lot to do with Twitter and Tumblr. Fuck Twitter. Dorsey can go shove a brick up his ass.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-29 00:13 ID:eRPEjMeb

The Misskey instances are finally gaining some momentum at least. Normies gonna normie, they'll keep slobbering over Elon's dick until Bluesky opens up or Threads isn't total garbage, but if a decent amount of JP artists head to the fediverse that works for me. I was never on Twitter for anything but porn anyway.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-29 03:44 ID:zUe7Our/

To me it seems Elon Musk is trying to destroy Twitter on purpose.
Although I would typically give praise for that I feel that there may be something worse than Twitter coming to establish the new public square people hold dear to them so much.

On the bright side at least there is more incentive to run your own social network service. You have Mastodon with people who want more restrictions than Twitter and you have Pleroma with people who want less restrictions than Twitter.

If I had to use a social network service i'd probably go with Misskey. To me it is at least trying to create something original instead of copying Twitter. Plus most of the users are not spewing out pure garbage that you would typically see on Twitter, Mastodon, Pleroma, etc.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-29 10:34 ID:0N4TJyq3

Musk's strategy is to create an "all-in-one" Internet platform. The Chinese equivalent is Sina Weibo, Musk's X platform will behave similarly to this.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-29 13:24 ID:TbLiAgc7

I thought kuz having AIDS was a joke at first lol, kaguya seems to be doing fine with heyuri and doll seems to be doing fine with wojak.farty though

twitter on the other had i have no excuses for, musk has some sorta brain damage i suppose

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-30 02:14 ID:tjglI9yY

Musk is a wannabe Bezos or Bill Gates. He sees himself as a great businessman, a consummate monopolist muscling out the little man while ignorant NPCs and liberals heap on praise. But Elon is a conman floating on government subsidies who hasn’t turned a steady profit in his life. He’s not derailing Twitter, he actually thinks he’s doing the right thing and people should love him. I don’t understand how you could fuck up as head of Twitter but he managed to do it.

I guess when you have a luxury car brand that only rich people and brainless faggots buy from, it’s much easier to hide the fact your product is a piece of trash. But when it’s a social network millions of people to use it’s way harder to maintain that facade.

Anyway, long live 4-ch. Here’s to another 20 years of larping as 2-ch.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-30 02:24 ID:g9AXLDYe

I love to see how these structures that the people considered immutable despite being absout a decade old start to collapse. The very same titans that technocapital has created fall by their own weight.
I've heard a bit about reddit, but idgaf. I also heard some shit about facebook and his baby metaverse thing.
Anyway the real internet lives on.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-01 11:27 ID:G3YfQdSl


>I feel that there may be something worse than Twitter coming to establish the new public square people hold dear to them so much.

That may be Zuck's Threads. But I honestly don't feel so pessimistic about this one, alternatives like Mastodon and Misskey are taking shape. The normies won't head into the small crevices probably, but I couldn't care less about what the normies are doing in all honesty. I'm hopeful that the slow destruction of Twitter will drive some of the more interesting and artful people to better platforms where I could actually interact with them without getting harassed or banned.

Feels like a bit of a modern day Icarus story. Maybe a tower of Babel. Trying to please this many people in one platform seemingly causes these corpos to eventually crumble under the weight of their own userbase. Or possibly capital. It's funny to watch either way.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-03 02:30 ID:H1BIvI/A

The funniest thing was when the Twitter files story came out and the mainstream press all rushed to defend pre-Musk Twitter like a god damn cult. The only thing that worries me is if the terminally online Twitter cretins who are hopelessly addicted to the site start fanning out all over the internet in search of a new home. Normies probably won’t head to the small crevices but the hopelessly addicted Twitter tweakers might.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-03 05:52 ID:eRPEjMeb

Should be safe, even if some venture onto Mastodon they'll just sign up on the main instances which are already cancerous. They'll never even discover the other fediverse apps, much less actual websites if those are what you're concerned for.
I think most of them are bewildered and terrified by the entire concept of "instances" though and will genuflect before the Zucc instead.

Of course Threads will supposedly join the fediverse too at some point but every decent instance will immediately block them, plus they'll probably block all JP ones preemptively themselves over lolicon, if not just NSFW content in general.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-03 07:58 ID:Heaven

>Of course Threads will supposedly join the fediverse too at some point

It won't. Remember Facebook Messenger and Google Chat used to be XMPP compliant? Well, once they get users they cut off everyone else. It will happen again.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-04 21:46 ID:Heaven

Threads is already on its way to the grave.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-05 00:42 ID:H1BIvI/A

I can see a bunch of mainstream media journalists, artists, writers etc. migrating to threads now that you can only view X if you log in. Especially artists who already have instagram accounts and want to spread their work. I doubt the average brain damaged Twitter user is going to leave. They’ll bitch and moan but they’ll stay on X anyway.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-05 00:59 ID:K4ZCyZLl

haha i thought of somehting insteaod of AIDS it's XIDS LMAO lOL

17 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-06 03:08 ID:hyTWfXni

Literally all tumblr has to do is completely welcome back porn and Twitter will lose the people who help generate clicks. With no weirdo leftists to try to trigger or fight with, Musk sycophants won't know what to do with themselves.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-06 05:15 ID:eRPEjMeb

The issue is that both credit card processors and mobile app stores will fuck you over for having porn accessible in your app. Twitter was only able to get away with it because it made all its money through advertising and by the time it became a porn hotspot, it was far too big to mess with. Tumblr in its current state, on the other hand? They would cheerfully nuke the place from orbit while sipping whiskey.

Curious how Bluesky will deal with it once the app stores start paying attention. I'm not on there but I hear the moderation is fucked up and furry porn often trends.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-16 02:28 ID:901jhMbJ

Looks like soyjack party went down. Good riddance. Yet again 4-ch outlives a cesspool.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-16 23:05 ID:NMEMi+u5

Talk about a joke that outlived its welcome...

21 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-17 16:45 ID:Wa3/+wL0

That would imply it was ever welcome in the first place. Literally one of the shittiest trolling methods ever invented. Too bad it's likely shartyfaggots will just make a new imageboard and continue trolling boards dot four chan dot com for the foreseeable future.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-20 06:06 ID:JHbyUdDk

The 'joke' being 4-ch, of course.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-21 15:47 ID:k/EyuEaB

I actually like the Twitter rebrand but this is where I go for pure soul.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-22 08:42 ID:jGpaPoVg

Now Musk wants all /x/ users to upload their face and ID and send it to an Israeli company. Definitely nothing suspicious going on here.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-23 03:32 ID:Wa3/+wL0

I legitimately thought it was a joke when I heard that. It's literally a goddamn 4/pol/ meme come to life.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-23 09:43 ID:0N4TJyq3

I'll repeat it again: Musk's strategy is to create an "all-in-one" Internet platform. The Chinese equivalent is Sina Weibo, Musk's X platform will behave similarly to this. Musk had wanted X to work as a bank 20 years ago, the current incarnation of X is inspired from that idea from years ago.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-24 12:57 ID:Heaven

I'm not entirely sure what Musk's sudden decision to roleplay big brother from 1984 has to do with this. I imagine the Chinese everything app does it too but that's because of the "Chinese" part, not the "everything" part

28 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-24 17:58 ID:Wa3/+wL0

Super rich business tycoon cunts are generally massive control freaks, and after a few years being able to literally buy everything you ever wanted gets boring, so pouring billions into trying to change society to fit your vision is all you've really got left, for better and for ill - usually for ill because even if they're not outright malevolent, richfags are still usually up in their ivory tower and totally disconnected from the realities of the world at large.
See also: Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, and literally any rich cunt who operates a charity/PAC that isn't just for laundering money.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-26 16:08 ID:zUe7Our/

Wow I thought the whole "Kuz has AIDS" was a joke until I stumbled upon it myself.

It also seems they got their hands on VidLii too somehow.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-27 13:28 ID:0N4TJyq3

Do you think that anybody can operate a public "bank" and have the customers operate under anonymity? The answer is no, the government has legislation that mandates the real identity of the customers. Using the X payment services, your real name is going to be associated to your account as an integral part of the payment service.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-28 07:40 ID:Heaven

this fsb psyop honeypost is still alive?

32 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-28 07:49 ID:Heaven

>>29 t. kuz

33 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-28 12:54 ID:zUe7Our/

Yeah. Wonder for how long though.

Not this time. Guess I should've spaced out links though, but I did want to show proof of where I found out.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-28 16:01 ID:Heaven

stop talking about yourself, nobody cares about these sites where you "found out" because nobody cares about him (you).

35 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-29 00:09 ID:XjAbL3Gl

I won’t miss Twitter. It’s the worst thing that happened to the internet since those Arabic forums full of teen angst and Iraq war porn.

36 Name: Anonymo : 2023-08-30 01:26 ID:ot5axe59

Yea Twitter is fucked

37 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-30 21:42 ID:Wa3/+wL0

I mean people say this shit every time twitter rolls out some retarded policy and it never fucking happens.
Just once, I'd like for twitter to die for real.

38 Name: Anonymous : 2023-08-30 21:51 ID:XjAbL3Gl

It’s like a terminally ill patient going from stable to worse and back again. We need to euthanize Twitter and put it out of it’s misery.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-01 17:52 ID:Heaven

>>38 ITS misery, not IT'S MISERY

40 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-07 20:30 ID:UKSaI8ji

Kuz will be a great loss to the image board community

41 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-08 10:14 ID:Heaven

Stop talking about yourself.

42 Name: sage : 2023-09-08 23:43 ID:Heaven

43 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-09 01:01 ID:bkoQCfWL

4-ch is officially more successful then twitter. we keep winning.

44 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-10 09:56 ID:Heaven

>>43 THAN, not THEN!

45 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-10 13:14 ID:Heaven


46 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-12 17:56 ID:CyuMZ3qV

Kuz is not a rapist. All lies spread by FSB.

47 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-13 03:49 ID:Heaven

stop talking about yourself

48 Name: sage : 2023-09-13 08:58 ID:Heaven

"Every Kuz related post is posted by Kuz"
"Therefore I must be Kuz myself"

On a side note I always see people complaining that Twitter dying being very bad because that is where people post their porn drawings. Has anyone actually seen artists or themselves use alternatives? To me Twitter dying is no different from Vine dying. The flock will just move from one spot to the other.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-13 17:44 ID:eRPEjMeb

The problem is all those alternatives (like pixiv) censor shit while Twitter never did that because it was too incompetent.

Also the lack of any directly attached patreon-like service made artists slightly less likely to try and squeeze money for you for the high quality stuff, though many just tried to get you to go to those other websites instead.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-27 02:56 ID:/kWS3lb6

What alternative is there to Twitter? Suckerberg has his threads app but I genuinely believe it’s flooded with bots to bump up the numbers. There’s no way he could have got that many users is just a couple weeks. Facebook was filled with bots to inflate it and convince people to use it. I guess that the Twitter scum will moan about X but go back to using it after anyway since there’s no where else to go and most of the (sane) internet hates them.

51 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-27 13:06 ID:0N4TJyq3

GNU social is free software. This means you are welcome to run your own server and share the software with others.

52 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-29 03:14 ID:Heaven

No one uses GNU social (not even figuratively "no one" like the fediverse in general, but literally only 247 open source autists have ever registered for it according to and it's based on an obsolete standard to boot.

53 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-29 10:45 ID:O3DBzLXn

If something is labeled GNU there’s a 50/50 chance it will suck. The FSF and GNU project are lazy and cheap. They stopped putting out quality software decades ago. Now they are just a masturbation cult around Stallman. Those morons are still wasting their time on useless projects that have no purpose, like Hurd which nobody wants or will ever use anyway. Do you really trust a bunch of fat out of touch programmers to develop a good alternative social network? They don’t even know what socializing is.

The best alternative to Twitter are old fashioned message boards and phpbb/vbulletin sites (softwares created by FSF anyway). But nothing beats karehe script. These are sophisticated 2ch softwares created by Japanese so they are flawless and perfect. Kareha was the peak.

54 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 00:39 ID:0N4TJyq3

GNU Social is the alternative to Twitter. It exists today. It is your own fault for choosing Twitter when these things are already here.

I think you're confused about the mission of GNU while you measure GNU toward your own standards without any investment of your own. The primary mission of GNU is to merely exist as free software. The matter of GNU being subjectively "bad" or "good" or "popular" is not a priority for GNU. The ideal is that users start with free software (such as GNU) and then invest themselves into improve the software towards their subjective perfection. Merely complaining that other people (the GNU project in this case) refuse to work to your own standards is self-induced helplessness.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 05:36 ID:Heaven

I didn't choose Twitter, I chose a fediverse platform that is actually used by several hundred thousand people, and is compatible with other fediverse apps used by millions. Stop shilling your shitty dead software when the only thing it has to offer over the open source alternatives is the "GNU" label.

The matter of GNU using objectively "some garbage protocol they designed decades ago" instead of "the federation standard every other fucking piece of software uses" is evidently not a priority for GNU either.

I could ask the maintainers if they want my expert programming skills to help them advance past the stone age, but I bet they have some asinine reason for refusing to use ActivityPub. And even if they don't, I could spend my valuable time contributing to open source projects enjoyed by over 500,000 people, as opposed to one only used by a couple hundred basement-dwelling neckbeards who probably call their operating system "GNU plus Linux."

All that said, I'm pretty sure Kareha was coded from scratch by WAHa_06x36 who is not Japanese, so >>53 is delusional too.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-09 02:00 ID:lrGswyqg

Why’d anyone want a Twitter alternative? It’s like asking for an open source alternative to AIDS or cancer. I guess Twitter is good for certain people but it’s just a plague on humanity and most of that has to do with the user interface and now the whole thing is designed. I hope Elon chokes on a dick and croaks.

57 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-20 08:45 ID:0N4TJyq3

I think you're very confused. "Dead free software" is meaningless because everybody is welcome to update the software to their own purposes - free software doesn't die in reality. GNU Social supports ActivityPub. You don't need to contribute anything to the GNU Social team, all you have to do is update your own copy and use it for as long as you need it. Once more, big popularity isn't a priority for GNU, the biggest mission is that GNU exists as free software; it's perfectly okay if you don't use any GNU software.

58 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-20 08:58 ID:Heaven


>to their own purposes

I think you mean for the purposes of the FSF.
GNU licenses are very long and FSF holds all the power.

Also for someone supporting GNU social you've clearly never used it yourself. The code is a branched mess and when you manage to install it it is bugged beyond hell.

But of course GNU software is all about the branding, not quality.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-20 23:46 ID:Heaven

> GNU Social supports ActivityPub.

Plugins don't count.
It's like if someone asked for a good BitTorrent client and you recommended Firefox with a torrent extension.

60 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-05 21:40 ID:Heaven

twitter has always been dysfunctional

61 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-21 11:21 ID:hSivsGwg

4-ch Bluesky coming soon.

62 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-26 19:20 ID:AG9JmPHX

this whole ad powered Internet business is bullshit. real customers of Google, meta, Twitter etc. are advertising companies, and we are being used, we are useders.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 10:48 ID:8OxVcOFK

i love being used im a slut and a whore and i crave cockkkkkkkk :3

64 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 13:34 ID:F22TyaAW

all globohomo shills are like you

65 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-27 22:19 ID:qUAwnjbb


66 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-28 14:32 ID:1tcIPEnP

shills admit: they love sucking cocks.

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77 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-06 21:42 ID:7mglcFOt

Stop deadnaming twitter. Hahaha.

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