Twitter is dead! 4-ch lives! (60)

55 Name: Anonymous : 2023-10-08 05:36 ID:Heaven

I didn't choose Twitter, I chose a fediverse platform that is actually used by several hundred thousand people, and is compatible with other fediverse apps used by millions. Stop shilling your shitty dead software when the only thing it has to offer over the open source alternatives is the "GNU" label.

The matter of GNU using objectively "some garbage protocol they designed decades ago" instead of "the federation standard every other fucking piece of software uses" is evidently not a priority for GNU either.

I could ask the maintainers if they want my expert programming skills to help them advance past the stone age, but I bet they have some asinine reason for refusing to use ActivityPub. And even if they don't, I could spend my valuable time contributing to open source projects enjoyed by over 500,000 people, as opposed to one only used by a couple hundred basement-dwelling neckbeards who probably call their operating system "GNU plus Linux."

All that said, I'm pretty sure Kareha was coded from scratch by WAHa_06x36 who is not Japanese, so >>53 is delusional too.

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