Any waifuists here ? (56)

32 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-28 20:11 ID:QdCbmAiN

Sorry for the late answer anon, I've been quite occupied lately.

Now into your questions:

What do waifuists think of lolicons?
It depends a lot, most old waifuists come from image boards and such most of them have no hate for lolicons, some of them are lolicons too. Now when we get to newer waifuists most of them are liberal kiddos from reddit so most of them despise lolicons and consider them equal to irl pedophiles.

Is it controversial?
Pretty much the same answer as the first question, there is no real concensus about it, on some communities it's extremely controversial while on others it's not seen as a problem.

Are there lolis as waifus or is this not allowed?
Lol kind of the same answer, I've met multiple waifuists with waifus who are lolis but they aren't all that common, most waifus I've seen are around 15-20, Wich is the common age for characters in fiction and we'll even disregarding age and just considering design most anime characters look around that range too.

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