Any waifuists here ? (56)

34 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-03 03:02 ID:QdCbmAiN

My waifu it's Hatsune Miku, we've been together for a year and some months, but I've been loving her since around 7 years ago, I barely managed to properly start waifuism recently.

It depends on what you want, i would recommend some of the 4chan generals (/r9k/ and the /c/ one), tohno chan it's a good place but really dead, the /Mai/ board of the new 8chan it's good (by new I mean the .moe one), outside of that you could consider joining one of the plethora of discords that exist about waifuism (most are splinters of other waifuists communities, usually the subreddit).

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