Any waifuists here ? (56)

48 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-17 09:18 ID:BigAoStS

What's there left to get? Vtubers killed off a huge part of whatever was already left from all the 2chan/2channel/NND communities and pushed the standards and attitudes to the rock bottom to resemble the one from the west. Similarly to what nico-chus had happen to them with the "homocaust" when Nico Nico Douga went on a killing spree of videos that had the majority of spread out otaku communities join into a single one to literally (yes, literally) shit on Nico Nico Douga. Last I remember hearing how completely hostile that website's leftover owacons got towards all of the vtubers and supporters of them who started making nico nico douga style content to promote themselves in any way possible (MAD making for gain, etc.) saying that the website was a lot better off prior to them.

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