Any waifuists here ? (56)

50 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-21 17:43 ID:l0krp4oX

Rebellion through vandalism, community got together and flooded the website's content pipelines with image macros of homosexuals they mock due to poor acting, lack of shame, and low budget nonsense ("so bad its good", but in a vicious and sinister manner). Went as far as to go on massive doxing sprees of MAD creators in the Inmu (the phenomenon that is used to vandalize and destroy niconico's culture and domain) community, from both vigilantes (anti-Inmufags) and really para-social Inmu-addicted creeps.
In addition, lots of really hardcore gay fetish videos that drew the ire of the gay pornographic production company that went on legal crusades against MAD creators that are destroying their image and reputation, without permission. There are also incidents of people using borderline-CSAM as clickbait thumbnail for Inmufag-related videos, and creating baby versions of Cookie (Touhou Voice Drama that has the same "so bad its good" qualities of the Inmu story videos, but with malicious intent), and with these baby characters, they often do really nasty and creepy things to them, further degenerating the reputation and crossing so many lines with not only Inmufags, but niconico's current landscape is now extremely toxic and completely void of any morals whatsoever.
Thus, niconico just conceded and gave the community an ultimatum, "as long as it does not violate Japanese law, we do not remove any content", signaling defeat and acceptance of the current situation; the community even a confession from the former lead of niconico's development saying he failed to keep in touch with his community, and allocate resources to make sure the website wasn't out of date with the current technological landscape.

Finally, an example, the best western equivalent I can give is what happened with 4chan and "soyjak" culture on /qa/, and it later spreading on other boards such as /g/, /v/, /mu/, and sometimes /a/; and spawned off into many different containment sites only to leak out onto other major platforms like Twitter, Twitch, and others.
Only major difference is that flooding the website with Inmu garbage has been running for at least a good 13 years now (as oppose to the less than a decade crusade that soyjakers have with 4chan and the internet social landscape as a whole), and it shows no signs of stopping, despite how many 30+ year old men still watches, promotes, and contributes to this nonstop community war with the website; they are too far gone and beyond addicted to this nonsense that it ended on such a dark note. Although many have actually quit, moved on, or tried to erase any mention of this past and just move on with life or reborn to make more positive contributions to the website, especially if they were victims of the Inmufags' (or anti-Inmufags') wrath and obsession.

51 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-21 21:22 ID:BigAoStS

When I mention shit literally it's related to all of the 12 year old inmufags spamming scat related media like homosexual consuming feces of another homosexual on Nico Nico Douga, which is censored lightly just so it doesn't breach the rules (you would be surprised with what stuff they get away). Often times, these inmufags are shitting up the comment sections of completely unrelated videos with scat fetishist references.

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