Any waifuists here ? (56)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-03 00:41 ID:QdCbmAiN

In the ways you can really, honestly waifuism its something really personal and when it comes to "how to show love" almost every waifuists could give their own answer, but some commons way are:

  1. Downloading fanart of your waifu
  2. Playing/reading/watching etc her source material (or content where she is fearured)
  3. Being on a waifuist community

And a long etc, this is the reason i personally consider commitment such a integral and important factor of waifuism (or at least my waifuism), because yeah you can do all of this things, go on dates (which is pretty much roleplaying, i don't consider them bad tho) and a long list but nothing shows love like simple loyalty and commitment towards her.
Other thing to keep in mind is what you exactly mean by "show love", i personally don't really care about "showing my love" to others (this usually ends up in people trying to "one-up" each other by "showing more love", which is not what waifuism is about in my opinion), i keep this showings of love as really personal usually and just show glimpses to fellow waifuists, after all waifuism deep down its a personal relationship between you and your waifu.

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