Imagine, if you will, (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-13 16:33 ID:NJovoYxz

Just imagine...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 01:10 ID:LqkWMGkk

I'm imagining... how long does it take to kick in?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 09:36 ID:A5bhhzXz

Will, if you imagine,

4 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 15:54 ID:ZhFIhQEy

You can't tell me what to do.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 20:56 ID:WezffHa3

Fuck off, John Lennon

6 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 22:09 ID:5F08t556

Instructions unclear; my microwave just exploded.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-14 23:04 ID:ZhFIhQEy

No no no if John Lennon is back and is posting on 4-ch I want him to stay!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-21 02:23 ID:lITsWMSb

I'm having trouble imagining...

9 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-21 04:09 ID:wBBXlQUF

I imagine the backrooms, and there's a partygoer in front of me.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-21 09:35 ID:A5bhhzXz

You have to will your imaginations into existing.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-21 16:14 ID:qOqgCwPr

Imagine you are Mark David Chapman pumping John Lennon full of lead

12 Name: Anonymous : 2024-04-29 04:13 ID:NSPYXNWT

Dear John,

get the fuck back to bed already


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