what if 4-ch was taken over by transgenders?
what if 4-ch had a dimensional merge with that one textboard filled with them? would 4-ch influence or would 4-ch be influenced?
it's already taken over by globohomo shills which are transretards
i for one welcome our new transgender overlords
I won’t mind if they are huggable
Wait, you mean the rest of you aren't transgenders?
Pick up your weapons and fight.
I don’t mind the transgenders. They can be annoying and insufferable but the average individual transgender is just some regular guy. I’d rather that guy than globohomo shill spammer, assuming he’s not transgender.
do nothing
We are all transsexuals now.
they are monsters(the male ones) who don't belong in the world on a spiritual level. on and off line.
they can only exist when there is no one to oppose their house of card reality, and so the moderation would have to become much heavier, and every topic would include gross and political comments for no reason
you have no idea what spiritual means, even bacteria is smarter than you here
whatever man this shit is boring who cares
Transgenders are just regular ass boring people. There’s nothing evil about them. There’s nothing divine about them. A person who loves trannies is as stupid as someone who hates them and vice versa. Only a moron would waste time debating this futile question.
Bacteria doesn’t exist
globohomo shills keep spamming and debootibg