[Exclusive] Dead Textboards and Imageboards Obituary (33)

1 Name: Lost Soul : 16/10/19 12:38

On this hidden board where threads come to die... let us mourn the sites that came and went... possibly never to be seen again...

Here lies...


2 Name: Lost Soul : 02/03/29 10:18

3 Name: Lost Soul : 17/02/15 07:58

RIP Sovietrussia.org
RIP Shanachan

4 Name: Lost Soul : 09/09/20 01:15


5 Name: Lost Soul : 02/05/27 17:10


6 Name: Lost Soul : 21/03/12 09:14

>>2 CURSE YOU...

7 Name: Lost Soul : 96/02/10 22:23

RIP world2ch.org (or rather RIP 0037 who was probably the most sane individual in the entire scene... and that's saying something)

8 Name: Lost Soul : 01/04/19 23:25

RIP 4chon.net — Gone and will not be missed.

9 Name: Lost Soul : 05/06/16 03:59

I’ll always pour one out for Hello Channel

10 Name: Lost Soul : 96/06/07 01:08

RIP SAoVQ, world2ch, 4x13, 0chan, Soviet Russia, world4ch (fuck you Alexander Strange), /soc/ , etc etc etc...

11 Name: Lost Soul : 01/06/12 04:38

Sparky 4's 4ch moo

12 Name: Lost Soul : 04/12/15 02:18

I miss the midnight BBS at carpe diem, it was a fun experiment

13 Name: Lost Soul : 12/11/03 19:50

RIP Nenpo

14 Name: Lost Soul : 13/04/09 21:07


15 Name: Lost Soul : 15/05/12 16:24

With Kirtaner probably in prison, 420chan has gone offline and not returned for months.
RIP 420chan.

16 Name: Lost Soul : 11/10/22 05:17

>>15 Is that what happened‽‽‽

17 Name: Lost Soul : 19/09/24 09:32

RIP Unholy Citadel of 6ch

18 Name: Lost Soul : 06/12/21 00:10

Latinchan, 28chan, 3chan.

19 Name: Lost Soul : 15/08/30 17:41

28chan ha vuelto a la vida, pero ahora entró en suspensión la cuenta de nasuchan.h33t.moe

20 Name: Lost Soul : 16/09/27 07:52

Rest in peace, /azu/.

21 Name: Lost Soul : 02/02/26 06:14


>RIP 4-ch

Rest in peace. Observed by a keen eye as dead.

22 Name: Lost Soul : 05/03/05 11:08

RIP 4ct.org, you were a terrible site but your loss is deeply felt by what is left of the textboard world.

23 Name: Lost Soul : 94/12/20 13:44

RIP vampiros.ml

maybe one day would be reborn, maybe like frankestein

24 Name: Lost Soul : 13/09/06 02:23

RIP kiramoji.ga

25 Name: Lost Soul : 15/03/08 18:01

RIP Secret ☆VIP Quality☆ Website

26 Name: Lost Soul : 13/02/17 10:51


Nunca nos fuimos, pero ahora volvimos.

27 Name: Lost Soul : 20/04/10 04:17

RIP ota-ch

28 Name: Lost Soul : 98/09/17 23:40

ota-ch has resurrected once more (unfortunately)

29 Name: Lost Soul : 15/02/07 03:24


30 Name: Lost Soul : 21/01/04 15:58


31 Name: Lost Soul : 95/04/18 22:34


32 Name: Lost Soul : 15/02/07 23:38

Minichan not dead, chamo.

33 Name: Lost Soul : 03/12/20 21:35

RIP textboard.org/SchemeBBS.
You were a good /prog/.

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