I am so hot (96)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-09-23 16:53 ID:taXOMY1B

I regularly masturbate to myself. Yep, that's how hot I am.

2 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-09-26 13:06 ID:xQxoKy99

Let me see your myspace then

3 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-09-27 22:23 ID:wG04JPj2

I am so hot I regularly set fire to my hair. Yep, that's how hot I am.

4 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-02 20:29 ID:Heaven

I'm so hot I masturbate to other people masturbating to me.

5 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-03 08:47 ID:Vpsa9ut/

I am so hot that "take it easy" is my official motto. That's how hot I am.

6 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-03 12:12 ID:t9sejIJN

I am so hot I post about it on IAA. Yep, that's how hot I am.

7 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-03 14:25 ID:ot71iqui

I'm the cause of global warming. Yep, that's how hot I am.

8 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-03 16:53 ID:Heaven

I am so hot. I'm sweatin' like a pig.

9 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-04 15:30 ID:Heaven

I'm so hot that when I got into my car this morning the metal melted all over me, killing me horribly. That's how hot I am.

10 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-09 22:29 ID:+Sxtxm8V

I wish I was hot enough to masturbate to myself. I think it's an attainable goal, if I can just be bothered to lose a bit of weight and get a haircut.

11 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-10 15:50 ID:K0XLABe/

I'm so hot I irradiate planets with my warmth and with the right elements and conditions, I create life. Yep, that's how hot I am.

12 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-12 20:10 ID:nBNOQ1vl

I'm so hot that people that touch me get 3rd degree burns. Yep, that's how hot I am.

13 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-13 19:15 ID:qG/9hOcU

I'm so hot that the sun freezes near me. That's just how hot I am.

14 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-15 04:34 ID:wG04JPj2

My body is now a gas. Yep, that's how hot I am.

15 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-16 19:52 ID:qGFYAWuK

I'm so hot I burned out very young.

16 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-18 05:06 ID:B7ex8eyv

My body's a fucking plasma.

17 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-19 03:20 ID:M6D13SZX

I am so hot that when people look at me, their eyes burst into flames. Yep, that's how hot I am.

18 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-19 15:14 ID:ZtkPCZDN

I'm so hot that I cum magma. That's just how hot I am.

19 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-13 06:47 ID:vWx0LL50

im so hot that i suck my dick. thats just how hot i am

20 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-13 15:07 ID:uKI925KA

i'm so hot that hard disk in my cpu overheating suddenly to 80 degree celcuis. That's how hot i am..

21 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-14 01:57 ID:i0AkXtko

I'm so hot that girls melt when they stand close to me. Thats how hot I am

22 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-15 07:03 ID:vtqHWkJn

I'm so hot that the velocity of the atoms that make up my body exceed the speed of light

23 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-15 12:37 ID:nt139tUG

>I'm so hot that the velocity of the atoms that make up my body move at relativistic speeds.


24 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-18 00:20 ID:j9V4XJLS

I'm so hot I'm no longer a virgin. Gotta go, bye.

25 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-18 02:48 ID:vWx0LL50

i can fuck my ass, yep thats how hot i am

26 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-19 07:44 ID:6XzJaUBK

I'm so hot vaseline boils away on my cock. Yep, that's how hot I am.

27 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-19 13:40 ID:Qx34NM0g

I am so hot I just caused the ultraviolet catastrophe. Yep, that's how hot I am.

28 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-20 23:52 ID:xNkVEOrc

i'm so hot, the text turns red when i post here. yep, that's how hot i am.

29 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-21 21:47 ID:enacH1jT


30 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-21 23:58 ID:6WWupHnx

I'm so hot, I caused Second Impact.

31 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-22 14:50 ID:T4IGglLr

I'm so hot, I can make Eva references like that without people calling me a wotaku.
This thread is DQN QUALITY!

32 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-23 13:18 ID:Qx34NM0g

I'm so hot oppai!

33 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-24 11:39 ID:Fj+3bcCx

I'm so hot I think I'll take my clothes off

34 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-24 15:15 ID:nt139tUG

I'm so hot I think I got bird flu.

35 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-01-25 06:46 ID:vWx0LL50

my classmates always take my pants off, yep thats how hot i am

36 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-05 16:24 ID:sD2YW2rQ

I am so hot I use my penis to solder wires together.

37 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-05 19:22 ID:h8sOx9lu

I'm so hot that the rate of heat flow, dQ/dt, through a homogenous solid (i.e. me) is exponentially proportional to the area, A, of the section at right angles to the direction of heat flow, and to the temperature difference along the path of heat flow, dT/dx.

Yep that's how hot I am.

38 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-05 23:57 ID:mQJgh64y

I'm so hot, virtual particles that intersect my event horizon get ejected into orbit

39 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-06 13:45 ID:h8sOx9lu

I'm so hot my temperature is measured in hundredths of picoseconds after the big bang. Yep that's how hot I am.

40 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-20 22:20 ID:5RFnVgmy

My willy is hairy and wet. Some people think Korea are involved in nuclear testing.

41 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-20 22:46 ID:5RFnVgmy

I've always thought about how convenient that would be.

42 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-21 03:29 ID:X5ShOK2Y


I've always wondered if sexy lesbians or man-pretty gay men can get off to themselves.


43 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-21 04:24 ID:enacH1jT

Seems like vanity/self-image issues would make it too weird for most people.

44 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-21 04:40 ID:X5ShOK2Y


but if they're a complete narcisist (I FUCKING HATE THAT WORD) they might not care.

45 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-22 13:15 ID:UaEcffrS

If you're all so fucking hot, then why are you here?

46 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-22 14:29 ID:pYANCvR4

This thread has a nice draft. It's helping us to cool off.

47 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-25 14:20 ID:bK0huO4a

I am so hot, someone turn the aircon on.

48 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-26 07:07 ID:Heaven

I am so hot, I'm the reason behind Global Warming.

49 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-27 04:43 ID:X5ShOK2Y

I am so hot, I'm on fire.



i wish i could do a l33t ascii art of a dude on fire at this point.

50 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-27 17:46 ID:cTTmKQe+

M < fire
/ \

51 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-03-30 04:15 ID:X5ShOK2Y

well done XD

52 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-02 19:51 ID:vLDVrAB0

I pee magma.

53 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-04 03:22 ID:lkOZFMQy

Hello, I am the Sun.
I am so hot i have my own wikipedia entry.

54 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-05 22:09 ID:0bplo6Jh

I vandalized it. It now says you suck Pluto's cock, and lick the ring around Uranus.

55 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-12 15:45 ID:4jcG/nXV

I am so hot, nobody would dare vandalize my wikipedia page

56 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-12 18:24 ID:Heaven

I am so hot, Wikipedia wishes it had a page on me.

57 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-13 05:04 ID:Heaven

I did so with admin impunity, and now you are a suspect in the conspiracy to murder JFK and a homosexual.
I wrote up an accurate summary of your life up to this point, fact-checked it with your mother, had it peer-reviewed and edited professionally, logged onto the wiki and submitted the article with perfect formating.
Then I vandalized it.

58 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-13 13:25 ID:njwhMi3s

i'm so hot, i make the sun look like a black hole

.....i also made a wiki page but >>57 vandalized it

59 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-16 10:17 ID:tjDlw393

I'm so hot, I make plasma look like ice

60 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-16 18:02 ID:0bplo6Jh

I am SO hot, I am the highest temperature possible in our current model of the laws of physics, the plank constant (10^32 degrees Kelvin). Beyond this point our understanding of everything breaks down and hotness is undefined in the quantum singularity that results from the total collapse of the universe.

61 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-16 18:49 ID:2HFD+jCm

This is why I'm hot
This is why I'm hot
I'm hot 'cuz I'm fly
You ain't 'cuz you not
This is why
This is why
This is why I'm hot

62 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-17 02:31 ID:ICoA7bUf

I'm so smart, and my brain's so heavy that it generates a magnetic field, and all compasses on Earth actually point in the direction of my brain.

Top that. Or rather, top ME.

63 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-26 21:41 ID:0bplo6Jh

I'm so smart, I topped >>62 and he won't be able to figure out what I did to top him.

64 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-27 10:43 ID:Heaven

In Soviet Russia, Wikipedia writes articles in YOU!!

65 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-28 04:44 ID:i0AkXtko

I'm so YOU that Wikipedia writes Soviet Russia!

66 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-28 08:24 ID:9i1JJOHy

i'm liek so hot dat no werds describe mai hotnuss

67 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-04-28 12:12 ID:QbGiwcZ8

I am so hot a Scarran would be like "That is a hot human hrrrrrr."

68 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-02 05:24 ID:Heaven

I am so hot I have no idea what >>67 said.

69 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-03 01:30 ID:QbGiwcZ8

Yeah well, you are a Scarran rape-baby, so nobody cares.

70 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-03 01:57 ID:0bplo6Jh

I am so hot, the non-hot >>69 tried to start a conversation with me, hoping for romance (in the butt).

71 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-03 13:01 ID:LwaIoJ05

How can >>69 not be hot? It's freakin' >>69!!!

72 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-08 05:48 ID:fzV7fuWA

I am so hot that no puny hyperbole can describe me.

73 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-12 22:22 ID:0bplo6Jh

I am so so.

74 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-20 15:21 ID:ykqg0rkR

I'm pretty chill.

75 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-05-23 00:12 ID:Heaven

I'm cold. Is it cold in here, or is it just me?

76 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-06-24 20:34 ID:r4JyOI+m

I am so hot, a Sebacean would go into heat delirium just by standing next to me. Yep, that's how hot I am.

77 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-06 20:46 ID:dhyFTwCC

I'm so hot that I always feel cold no matter where I am.

78 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-07 03:21 ID:Heaven

I'm so hot that I've looped back to freezing

79 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-07 11:28 ID:zAUIS9e1

fukcing losers

80 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-07 16:47 ID:Heaven

You should stop fucking losers, you could get an STD.

81 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-07-20 21:06 ID:F8ekRg2E

I am a monster IRL, but I am comforted in the fact that some individuals may in fact - have a fetish for the seriously ugly. It is with this knowledge that I have come to subjectively realize that I am, so hot.

82 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-02 12:17 ID:s3o44hMG

i am so hot that instead of making a statement like >>81
i am mearly going to notate that my rear has a "caution hot substance" label

83 Post deleted by moderator.

84 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-10 10:39 ID:CEAR3IPj

I am so hot, I don't need to light cigarettes.

85 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-10 13:58 ID:4jcG/nXV

I am so hot, I don't need cigarettes.

86 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-10 21:50 ID:qCX4ca9B

I am so hot, I don't need cigarettes.

87 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-18 01:56 ID:U6KEmYXp

I'm so hot that steam comes off my poo even in summer ^_^

88 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-18 01:56 ID:U6KEmYXp

I'm so hot that steam comes off my poo even in summer ^_^

89 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-11-02 07:05 ID:+4lz8v2+

lol this thread is strangely amusing

90 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-12-04 16:38 ID:Heaven

90 get.

91 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-03-06 17:07 ID:FMs6wbZC

I thought this was really funny until I remembered pigs don't have sweat glands. Oops.

92 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-03-08 04:32 ID:v2oeaOzh

I'm so hot D3D cannot handle me.

93 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-03-09 14:49 ID:FMs6wbZC

I'm so hot, my computer overheats all the time when I'm trying to use it.

94 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-03-11 22:26 ID:0dibKK1c

I'm so hot, hot.

95 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2017-10-13 21:21 ID:rCmSi7Aq

Tsk, tsk

96 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2017-10-15 02:31 ID:aJcJRZCb

Even in the fal, temperatures are still in the triple digits over here...

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