I'm an imageboard and online communities otaku (297)

11 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-08-15 01:32 ID:EG4tN6IH

Very nice write-up! I've got a couple of comments, questions and suggestions:

Chlomochan.org is an imageboard with some very dedicated Chloe Grace Moretz fans. The design is pretty interesting.

Plus4chan is notable for the large amount of cartoon porn creators it attracts.

Shana-chan's /m/ has something interesting remnants of the culture Soviet Russia's board had.

Lilyphilia is a fanboard for the movie All About Lily Chou-Chou.

Why would you say Post Office is one of the most popular textboards on the web? We barely get any posts and it doesn't seem to be that well known.

Emanon Textboard is just some temporary testing grounds that will vanish when the software is released. That will probably happen sometime next week, when the documentation and CSS are finished.

Masterchan was taken down by the Dutch Police earlier this year; if it wasn't a honeypot before that, it surely is now.

It would be interesting to have write-ups on noteworthy dead boards. Hello Channel springs to mind.

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