look at this list I made
Th' 'arty be dead tho
Th' 'arty is back, unfortunately(?).
Everything is dying
I'm doing my part!
''Pastebin.com - Not Found (#404)''.
Kakashi Nenpo dead
Post about it in hades https://4-ch.net/hades/kareha.pl/1644217811/l50
>>256 /nen/ does not deserve being lumped in with that trash
Mass graves do not discriminate.
Did anyone make a recent archive of all the images? There was a couple of threads I was hoping on grabbing.
It looks like 420chan is dead now, after the FBI raided Kirtaner on Aug 31st
Saw this in a fucking promoted Twitter ad of all places, probably because I only use Twitter to follow Japanese porn artists.
Consequentially it seems to be filled with normies but the concept is unique.
seems interesting, for people of all languages to communicate is the gimmick i guess
Agreed. Hate to see another chan go down but Kirtaner earned it.
I miss 420chan (;___;)
/azu/ will most likely be dying soon, but luckily it was archived.
Zippyshare is dead
The entire internet is dead.
I wish there was an imageboard dedicated to Degrassi.
Yeah, yeah everyone gets grooming/pedo accusations now
You know, it's very surprising there was never an imageboard that had even a slight canadian theme for how infamous they were on 4chan.
In fact, regional imageboards seem to be largely dead
4taba was pretty cool. The HTML5 apps, subthreads and unlisted boards were fun features. Site lost its charm when tabadmin left though.
Im surprised kissmin hasnt tried to use it for furry ai porn yet
You probably wont believe me but i used to be a mod on 4taba way back when the site first started. The old admin asked me to help him moderate after i had 8/jp/ taken away from me which i also moderated at the time.
Its funny to think that no one apart from a few people on here will even know what im talking about
gtfo 2kike
gtfo 2kike
420chan is back with Fred as the owner but Kirtaner remaining as the admin
>Fredrick Brennan (★コピペ) bought 420chan.org on April, 20, 2023, from Kirtaner for the sum of US$4,200 (US$420×10) and uploaded this landing page. For the full agreement between them, see the below signed contract.
>Future plans
>Under new management, Kirtaner will remain the admin of 420chan, with Brennan as owner. The goal is for the site to be owned by a non-profit organization, with Fredrick Brennan as Chairman of the Board, by 2025. There are plans to rebuild the site from scratch.
>Additionally, a legal challenge will be brought to recover the servers that were seized by law enforcement in 2022
The only thing Kirtaner should be admin of is Big Bubba's Penis
Lupchan.org (remember that?) died after relentless CP spam. It was hardly used and [s4s] cliques were mostly elsewhere, but it's just so weird that sites like this get hit so hard.
I hope tabamin is doing well.
It looks like that archive is dead now. I wonder if everything there is lost forever...
Looks like /azu/ has a new home though:
I'm glad to see you post this because I just happened to start rewatching that for the first time in a really long time. I didn't realize it was so old...!
4taba may be closing?
>Long story short, I don't want to moderate the place and no one has added a solution to deal with some of the spam(the CP is ultimately inevitable). Since there's no one I want to give the site to I'll ultimately close posting and pay the renewal on the server. What will be left running is the archive function I added at some point and the contents of the site.
>Unless there's an alternative method that people want to reach out to me for. I don't have trust in handing over the site to random people and would rather keep it around as an archive.
4ct.org seems to have gone down a while ago without anyone noticing!
GNFOSmin got owned so hard in monhun that he deleted gn and sold the domain and deleted his twitch account
yeah that was surprising. I didn't expect trevor to actually give up the ghost like that.