look at this list I made
can anyone tell me how do i send sms on any mobile phone anonymously ???
Any place for politics?
New BBS:
It was http://justcurio.us/, must have missed it when I went through the list.
Sorry I meant to ask,
Why does everything guhnoo come up with some sort of false positive?
4ct.org is dead I think
Chinese imageboard!
would use it but freech is full of retards who still use /intl/
http://tohno-chan.com is pretty cool.
1chan is closing for good...
holy shit
anyway i found this chan that not many people know about http://3chan.ml/
Disappointing, though I'm actually surprised it was around for so long.
it has recently came back
there old host shut the site down without notice and all of the data was lost
I never frequented the place, but it's always just kinda been there. At the periphery. Waiting for me.
Some oldschool shit.
1Chan gone is a big deal. I really feel each of these nails in the coffin.
Archive of 1chan before it got took down https://archive.org/details/1chan
chan graveyeard on a dead chan...
thatdog seems to have deleted his post explaining the shutdown in detail. Basically posting was disabled sometime in April for technical reasons and I guess he decided that it wasn't worth maintaining anymore because of how few users there were. The site was officially closed on July 1st. On July 4th he posted a link to an 8ch.pl version of /rail/.
/o/ is mad as hell and they're not gonna take this anymore.
Not a Imageboard but YTMND.com is going down.
why is everything dying?
Huh, what do you mean? I can't find any mention of it closing down. Or do you mean something else by "going down"?
Max as announced that ytmnd is "no longer profitable and will likely go down"
This is not even mentioning that he is tired of the whole thing.
>“Besides being a time capsule I don’t really see a reason for it to continue to exist... It seems like the internet has moved on,” he pauses, sounding overwhelmed. “And I’ve moved on too. I don’t have much interest in the site beyond it being good memories.”
Those words hit home for so many things online, don't they. I am positively shocked it's still around even now. It is firmly part of the net that is at least a decade past it's usefulness.
I really feel it. Those days have finally come to pass. All those things are merely a part of the past now.
I also received word a few days ago that idlechan.net, the project to continue the legacy of the iichan/Wakachan network, is shutting down, effectively ending it's 12 year run. The longest lived 4chan alternative gone. Now that one makes me feel old.
That would seem to be the case
The funny thing is that the Russian iichan (Ычан) is still up, thank God I know Russian.
tfw i dont know russian
At least /azu/ lives on
/azu/ and 4chan/c/ are like the last places to get a steady stream of Azumanga images. I'd be real sad to see them go.
And now 8ch is hacked and down. Wonder what's gonna come of this.
8ch is garbage anyways.
it's like reddit but worse.
chiru.no has a decent list of sites by the way.
Rip, 4/5 of the links in this thread I've clicked no longer resolve DNS.
With 4ch included I like these best.
more than actual shit shit taste, commit automurder posthaste
Sick buuuuurn!
Is OP still here?
meguca.org/a/ is still alive, seems to have taken over dev from doushio.
what happened to daijoubu /bun/?
It seems like all the old communities are dying and nothing similar is replacing them. Maybe they were tied to a generation that has become adult and for the most part has no time or interest anymore to keep participating. I still miss spending time warmly and having creative fun in /jp/ and /prog/.
What a pity.
I think robotmetal.net is finally gone for good.
OP was:
>look at this list I made
I accidentally deleted it. Sorry Restored!
I'm an oldfag and I'm still here, I just don't have as much free time as I used to. I think one problem with the old text board community is fragmentation. There are dozens of sites now, and I don't feel like keeping up with all of them.
Well there are dozens image boards yes, but not text.
Are you still around, Creamy?
Compiling imageboards and such?
This thing still being updated? Why did he decide to ditch the google doc in favor of the pastebin?
Not him but I can add stuff.
As of 2018 it still is alive, but barely. Apparently there was some sort of exodus to discord of all things.
No. It was such a stupid idea using gdrive for that list. I don't even know if that account still exists or not, because I refuse to touch a Google link. I should have uploaded to notabug, some kind of wiki, neocities, or even just an ipfs hash, for God's sake. There were so many things about that list that were so dumb. But I was a young and stupid teenager. Everyone rightfully hates me. And I uploaded that pastebin list anonymously, so I can't alter it, either.
Although I think I do have the org-mode file for the list on some hdd somewhere, it's not like I've ever written anything worth reading. The whole idea was honestly stupid. Furthermore, like >>168 said, most of the interaction only ever happens on IRC or YouTube or some kind of fotm proprietary platform, anyway, so it doesn't even matter. Idlechan is dead, all my favorite boards are dead, and 4chan uses Google's reCaptcha, so I can't even use it–not that I would want to, even through a hundred lines of regexp filters.
The state of 4ch/a/ has hit a critical point for me. Now I am drifting from dead chan to dead chan trying to find a new home.
One day I'll know enough jap to lurk futaba.
The vanishing point was over ten years ago. It's completely useless now, nobody even knows what you're talking about.
Reminder that 30 is objectively too old to be posting on chans. I'm feeling that fo' real.
Creamy, if you wish, I can fetch your list from Gdocs and upload it for you elsewhere.
Smaller imageboards will probably never relive their glory days of 10 years ago. The fascination and nostalgia we have towards participating in and exploring these communities are probably shared with people who used to frequent BBSes long ago...
Oh kinda interesting to see this hasn't changed. There's been a lot of new chans and stuff that popped up and a lot that have died so I came to see if he was still updating the list since the Google Docs one I have hasn't been updated for the past two years. Oh well, maybe it's for the best it's kinda pointless after all I guess.
4ch/a/ isn't THAT bad, tohno-chan and samachan are okayish, but I'm sure you know that already. Honestly, the quality that /a/ can maintain with the volume of posts it receives is kind of impressive, if only because it doesn't discriminate against lolicon (as much) and other hardcore fan stuff. What you might be looking for is one of those kitschy early web 2.0 forums, like AnimeSuki (yes, I know) or the like. https://ralee.org/ is also interesting.
Do you have any pointers to fun gopherholes?
I've only been reading up on the SDF stuff
>but from skimming it just seems like a lot of the issues 4chan has but in Japanese.
Ahahaha, no.
You should stop talking about things that you don't know.
May, the main board, is among the best places on the internet for any kind of manga and Japanimation discussion.
5ch and 2ch.sc are also good but for different reason, mostly related to the nature of textboards.
>You should stop talking about things that you don't know.
I agree. Though it can be vaguely entertaining to read incorrect interpretations. You ask yourself how on Earth he could have gotten that impression. I'll not speculate here.
Anonymity attracts garbage people who make garbage content. All great literature and philosophy is attached to a name.
The absolute state of this fallacy. Next you'll be claiming all great philosophers should cite their sources like it's some bullshit proprietary contest.
What is 5ch and why do I keep seeing it posted? I've never even seen it mentioned outside of here.
Ah nevermind, I'm an idiot. I had no idiot 2ch rebranded. I wonder why they did that?
AFAIK: Hiroyuki had a falling out with the American guy, Jim Hawkins, that he was paying to actually run the site. Jim continued to run the site for a while since he owned the server and domain name and was also located in the USA so Hiroyuki couldn't do diddly squat. Then Jim sold the site to some Japanese corporation. Then the Japanese corporation changed the site name because they thought it would make it harder for Hiroyuki to sue them or something.
Meanwhile Hiroyuki rage-created 2ch.sc which is a 2/5ch scraper and then bought 4chan and became moot 2.0.
So Hiro actually lost 2/5ch? Sounds like theft.
He has argued that, yes. Unfortunately for him, he operated them in a way that deliberately set up a legal minefield to guard against butthurt Japanese people suing over libel/warez/etc, and then found himself on the wrong side of that minefield.
Citing sources is, as to be expected, not only moral but necessary.
OP post ITT smells like Jkid. Even though the post itself was deleted years ago, the stench remains the same.
Years ago?
More like May, last year.
Does anyone have OPs link? I want to look at his list.