Best strains of Internet (4)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-03-10 02:20 ID:4OTZ+nby

I've been hooked on the internet for a quarter of a century and I've been though everything from high potency imported internet and homegrown internet and i even rolled a few of my own website up, but as a junkie I am always on the lookout for a stronger high so I like to try new types of internet once in a while to see which kind provides the best buzz.
Anyone have a favorite strain of internet they'd like to mention? Some of the most potent stuff I even came across was Urban Fredrickson's homepage, I found it in 1996 and it was full of ferrets and airplanes. My tolerance wasn't as strong back then, but that internet really kicked my ass and got me hooked good and hard.

2 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-03-10 22:35 ID:wXH6iDPP

The only store that sells legal internet is in Kamloops, 350 km away. Also, my apartment lease doesn't permit using the internet indoors.

3 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-03-11 09:17 ID:C9FTefof

I got hooked on the internet since 1999. It started small, just an excuse to hang out with friends. If my friends wanted to be "online", well, so be it.
Eventually, people in the net-scene started suggesting I do the heavier stuff. Forums, BBS, and some of the more... obscure webpages. Not gonna lie, the stuff felt good; even made a name for myself in some circles.
I was hooked at that point, always looking for any new uploads. I didn't know at the time, but apparently the internet wears on you. You start to get used to the bullshit. Even the nasty shit the less reputable webmasters shovel wasn't enough at this point.
Well at some point (don't remember when, don't ask) somebody in a IRC lounge mentioned told me how butting alcohol up your ass is supposed to make you wasted faster or something. Well at this point I was pretty desperate to get that buzz from the internet again.

Not gonna sugar coat it, I shoved the internet up my ass.

After that my friends kept calling me: The goat man

4 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-08-08 23:08 ID:Heaven


>After that my friends kept calling me: The goat man

Goatse? Is it you?

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