Working on a new textboard, any feedback? (9)

6 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2024-01-12 17:03 ID:Heaven


> We need more people to want to use them or a niche community that decides to use one.

Valid point

> [the stylesheet sucks]

The initial design is meant to be more of a homage to sites running "Strange World" (like than Kareha and friends, but I think a Kareha-esque alternative stylesheet down the line will definitely be a thing.

Do you think the current stylesheet/UI is better than SW's? I do, but I'm obviously biased.

> [why not just make a kareha with tags?]

We have had enough kareha clones that've failed in the past, aside from 4-ch and dis.tinychan (if you can call it "successful"), which already have their own devoted communities.

Personally, I don't think 4-ch or dis.tinychan would benefit from tags -- it goes against the X many year precedent those communities are already following.


> The site can still look good for phones, even if phones can't post

I agree. Speaking of which... hey squeeks, is broken, fix it!

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