[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

131 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2009-02-11 05:59 ID:3SUV4dDO

Sign language:

4 fingers up, then pointer and thumb in a circle - F
2 fingers up, together - U
Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers up, thumb between them - K

Hang loose - Y
Hand making an O - O
2 fingers up, together - U

Fuck you.

Fist, with thumb next to hand - A
Fist, with thumb over fingers - S
Fist, with thumb over fingers - S
2 fingers together, sideways - H
Hand making an O - O
Thumb and pointer make an L - L
Semi-fist, with thumb put below all other fingers on palm - E


Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers up, together - U
Fist, with thumb placed under first two fingers only - N
Fist, with thumb placed between pointer and middle finger - T


Make 4, fingers together - B
Hand clenched, pinky up - I
Fist, with thumb placed between pointer and middle finger - T
Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers together, sideways - H


Be sure to use your dominant hand.

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