Sadly, I only speak English :( but learning to swear in another language interests me, not only it means I can yell at you in your own language, but, if I do try and say something, avoiding the offensive words are easier if I know what they are!
Please post whatever language you speak, and anything you'd like to teach us!
I would say the real meaning of "vittu" is more like "Cunt"(cunt=vittu=pillu)... But we use it like english speaking would use "fuck"...
What a charming thread.
I'm so glad no one of my native language has felt compelled to show their "worth".
>>91 Actually, I cannot learn a language unless I know the bad words in that language.
It's like a road, first you lay out the thick and coarse blocks, and only at the end do you lay the fine material. Without the coarse base the road will not last long.
No mandarin insults?
Faen i helvete, jævla kuklest, du skal faen mæg ikkje komme her og tru at du e nokka! Æ ska faen mæg kjøre feskestanga mi så langt opp i rævhollet ditt at du må sette på hauet. Du ska satan være få skite ut av øyeholljet, din førbanja nazijævel av en utpult hæstkuk. Du e faen mæg så stygg og jævla dum i hauet at du faen mæg villje stryke på en helvetes blodprøve! Va det ei geit denj utpulte mammasatan di hadde sæg me? Nei, dra te helvete med en gang, din skitvasne pesselæst, så ska æ faen mæg betale den jævla billetten!
_ which translates to: _
"Devil in Hell, demonic cock-sock, you shall devil me not come here and believe you are something! I shall devil me drive my fishing pole so far up your asshole that you'll have to sit on your head. You shall devil be get to shit out your eye socket, you accursed nazi-devil of a out-fucked horse-cock. You are devil me so ugly and demonically dumb in the head that you'd devil me fail a hell's blood test! Was it a goat your out-fucked mom-satan did it with? No, go to hell right this instant, du shit-soaked piss-sock, and I shall devil me pay your demonic ticket!
_ As you might gather, we know how to swear in northern Norway... _
I don't really know any Irish curse words (ironically) but my area has a lot of unique insultive slang words such as "langer" and "knacker"
>>96 for those wondering, "bitch" in cantonese.
>>96 yeah, in the figurative sense, you are right.
If you translate it word for word it means:
snoopy old hag, so in other words a bitch xD!
Nutty Fudgekins.
Vedä käteen is telling somebody to jerk off. Vedä persläpeen (lit. masturbate into your ass) is telling somebody to fuck himself.
Вот бля пидарасы ёбанные. Нахуя вам эта поебень нужна?
Since >>109 covered Russian, I'll throw in some Norwegian instead:
Jævla hestekuksleikende sædgurgler.
Means something along the lines "Fucking horsecock licking sperm gurgler".
In case you want to impress your friends: ;)
The r is rolled.
Literal translations are for noobs and dodgy dictionaries.
Try calling an old lady in HK "bak-por", and you'll be "bak-por"-slapped back to where ever you came from.
In Dutch diseases are popular because of their rough pronunciation:
used at persons:
tyfuslijer/tyfushoer = Typhus patient(literally sufferer) / whore
teringlijer/teringhond = Tuberculosis patient / dog
kankerlijer/(and 'hond' etc)= cancer patient(worst because tyfus and tering aren't common anymore)
klootzak = slang for testicle
lul = slang for penis
kuthond = lit 'cunt dog'
mogool = lit. mongolian or a person with down syndrome.
mof = slang for german
kanker,tyfus,tering = used as shit, fuck ,etc.
kut = cunt(used as 'shit')
pest- = prefix meaning shitty,(lit. plague)
naaien = lit. 'to fuck'. usually means 'to betray'.
kutten = lit. 'cunt'. usually means 'to idle'
kloten = lit. 'testicle' usually means 'to idle'.
I don't know if this applies to every spanish-speaking country, but in chile we have quite a few words for the dick:
* "El Soldadito"
* Arrollado de Venas
* Calloma o Colloma
* Darth Vader Comunista (por el casco y rojo)
* El centro del universo`
* El Cíclope (o Polifemo)
* El cíclope
* El Cogote de Pavo
* El Cremoso
* El cuatro letras
* El Deo sin uña
* El Emocionao
* El equipaje del perro
* El famoso
* El favorito de tu hermana
* El Fiambre
* El Guañaño
* El hipoglós
* El latigo de carroza
* El Loly
* El manguaco
* El Maní
* El Niño
* El Tilin
* El vaginometro
* El Wachalin
* Este
* y este otro
* Guanaco
* Jirafa con pelo en pecho
* Julio Martinez con beatles
* koyak
* La banana o platano
* La Conquemeo
* La Corneta
* La otra cabeza
* La que cuelga
* Mi Amigo aquí Presente
* Microfono
* Narigon de los ojos caidos
* Nepe
* Nervio protuberante
* Pepino
* Pico
* Pija
* pipi
* Pistola de quaker
* Poronga
* Puñal de carne
* Trululo
* Verga
* Caeza e alcancía
Culiao - fucked
Conchetumare - literally the pussy of your mother, it's kind of offending your mother and telling you you shouldn't have had born at the same time
Weon - stand in for any other word, also asshole.
Maricón - faggot
I thought swearing was always the first thing you learn when learning a language. Along with "one beer, please" and "where's the bathroon?"
You'll probably find that many words for the dick in any language where it's considered impolite to talk about dicks directly.
In English, we have more words for dicks than the Eskimos have for snow.
Well, my personal favorite has always been:
Helevetin perkeleen sianvitun siittämät neekerin pillun polokijat.
It's quite impossible to translate to get the same level of.. feeling, but:
Hell's devil's niggers pussy's fuckers born out of the fuck of a pig, would be something to go by.
Fun Fact #1
Perkele is the old Finnish evil spirit, not to be confused with Saatana which comes from Christianity. Perkele and Saatana are not the same, as our old folklore proves.
Kalės vaikas - Son of a bitch.
Karve - Cow
Božgalvi - Tadpole
Šūdas - Shit
Besmegenis - Literary: No brains.
Pusprotis - Idiot.
Užpakalis - Ass
Schweinehund - Pigdog
Arsch- Ass
Wichser (Wixxer)- Jack-off/wanker
Hurensohn- Sonofabitch
Trottel- Idiot
Depp- Idiot
Dussel- Idiot
Döspaddel- Idiot... again
Scheiße- Shit
Fick dich- Fuck you
Verpiss dich- Piss off
halt die fresse - shut the fuck up
penner- bum
arschficker- assfucker
schwuchtel- fag
Romanes (not traditionally a written language, so typos=all)
Xa xlia ma petute - I'm going to shit on you/make you eat my shit
Xa gunoi - Eat trash/crap/poop
Tu prepahv ekh gunoiari balalo baro calo - You resemble a big hairy black garbage collecter/shit scraper
Romanes is supposed to be kept secret, so don't tell anyone I told you these things.
wow, that's really interesting. thank you.
if you don't mind an asking, what sounds do the letters represent (particularly x)?
(i havnt had to speak this since i was 8 so ive probably spelt things wrong)
Jebi Se = fuck you
if your feeling adventurous, greet people with "ubi ustaša"
>>113 And now some for the girls!
Schlampe - bitch
Fotze - cunt
Nutte - whore
Putang Ina Mo (lit. your mother is a slut)
equates to:
Fuck you, Fuck off.
Puta may also be used in itself to degrade a female.
Also sometimes shortened to 'Tang Ina Mo.
Puki ng Ina Mo (lit. your mother's vagina)
is spoken to the context of belittling a person.
Sometimes also shortened to 'Ki ng Ina Mo.
Tanga (Idiot)
Gago (Asshole)
Tae (Shit, also sometimes as a shorthand Putang Ina)
Amp (shorthand Anak ng Puta, lit. Son/Daughter of a slut)
Variants include amputa, nak ng puta.
Ulol (crazy, nutcase)
Some uninformed Filipinos interpret lol (as in laughing out loud) as ulol. Some flamewars started because of this.
Durubo (Japanese for thieving, also means the same thing in Tagalog, including undesirable)
Bwisit (Cantonese source, means nuisance)
Kantot, Iyot, Brocha (To have sex, fuck, used usually negatively or degradingly)
Bobo (Dumb)
Kulokoy (Imbecille)
figlio di puttana = son of a bitch
pezzo di merda = piece of shit
stronzo = jerk
frocio = faggot
troia = bitch
puttana = slut
maiale = hog
idiota = idiot
sometimes you can also use stuff like "ti spacco il culo" (i'm gonna rip your ass off) or also "mi hai rotto il cazzo/mi stai rompendo il cazzo" (you broke my cock apart/you're breaking my cock apart...yes, it's kinda weird as insulting phrase..but it's as is!!)especially when somebody is heavily harassing and buggin you, also "non mi rompere il cazzo/i coglioni" (don't break my cock/balls off!"
oh....and obviously, the language is Italian...(which turned off to sound really unlikely sharp and fierce in these issues!)
basz* = fuck
That's all you need to know. For example, here is a casual conversation between two friends:
-Baszni basznám, bazmeg, de baszik baszni, bazmeg.
(hmm... Can't find it right now but there is a longer version.)
-Are you fucking her?
-I would fuck her, damn it, but she doesn't care for it.
it's a rude way to refer to a person... a very rude way
here are some Slovak words...
pojeb sa = fuck you (literally)
jebať = to fuck
kokot = dick (I would say that ,,kokot" is more rude)
piča = cunt (pronounced pitcha)
riť = ass
kurva = well, can have meaning as a slut or cunt too... also when something doesn't go well, you can shout ,,Kurva!"
hovno = shit
but as curses, we use mostly combination of kurva - piča - kokot like skurvena piča (fucking cunt) vyjebany kokot (literally i would say fucked up dick lol) etc.
I think we could list more than these.
Skurwysyn - son of a bitch
To fuck:
Cipa - Pussy
Get the fuck out:
Wykurwiaj stąd
Gówno - shit
I see that Slovak curses are a lot like Polish ones. I've heard, that polish "Szukać" (which means to look after something) is a curse in Slovak or Czech. Is that true?
Bouffe ma queue calisse de fag - Eat my cock you fucking faggot
Brûlez dans l'enfer - Burn in hell
Casse-toi - Fuck off
Fiche moi le paix - Get the fuck away from me
Fous le camps - Fuck off
Fous le camps et morte - Fuck off and die
Il est stupide - He is stupid
Mange d'la merde - Eat shit
Mange du merde (et meurt, pute!) - Eat shit (and die, whore!)
Merde - Shit
Morceau de merde - Piece of shit
Putain de merde! - Fucking shit!
T'as une tête a faire sauter les plaques d'egouts! - You've got a face that would blow off manhole covers!
Tu es betes comme tes pieds - You are as smart as the bottom of your feet
Tu es con - You're an idiot
Tu es un putain - You are a slut
Une salope - A bitch
Va te faire enculer - Fuck off
Va te faire foutre, enculé - Fuck you, bastard
Va te faire mettre - Go fuck yourself
Vous avez le cervau d'un sandwich au fromage - You have the brain of a cheese sandwich
Vouz avez plein de merde - You are full of shit
Vous êtes stupide - You are stupid
Vous êtes une pomme de terre avec le visage d'un cochon d'inde - You are a potato with the face of a guinea pig
Zut - Darn
I'm not fluent, so I cheated.
As a French from France, I have to add that a good part of these are actually Quebec French expressions and are not used at all in France.
This is just informal, some of them are awesome :P
As a native Québécois, I have to say that some of these insults are quite creative! But sadly, it seems that the one who compiled them is not a francophone... Some gender agreements are horrid. But well, nice to him! He has a good imagination!
Just to add some more:
M'a t'en crisser une -> I'll beat the shit out of you
Ostie de chien sale -> Fucking asshole (literally "you filthy dog")
"Fick dich du arschgefickter Hurensohn!" - "Fuck you you assfucked son of a bitch!"
Sign language:
4 fingers up, then pointer and thumb in a circle - F
2 fingers up, together - U
Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers up, thumb between them - K
Hang loose - Y
Hand making an O - O
2 fingers up, together - U
Fuck you.
Fist, with thumb next to hand - A
Fist, with thumb over fingers - S
Fist, with thumb over fingers - S
2 fingers together, sideways - H
Hand making an O - O
Thumb and pointer make an L - L
Semi-fist, with thumb put below all other fingers on palm - E
Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers up, together - U
Fist, with thumb placed under first two fingers only - N
Fist, with thumb placed between pointer and middle finger - T
Make 4, fingers together - B
Hand clenched, pinky up - I
Fist, with thumb placed between pointer and middle finger - T
Hand shaped like a C - C
2 fingers together, sideways - H
Be sure to use your dominant hand.
* хуёвый, херовый - khujovyj [xu'jovɨj], kherovyj [xʲɛ'rovɨj] - adj.: very bad, miserable, faulty
* хуёво, херово - khujovo [xu'jovo], kherovo [xʲɛ'rovo] - adv.: very bad, miserably
* хуйня, херня - khujnja [xuj'nʲa], khernja [xʲernʲa] - bullshit; something not worth attention
* похуй - pokhuj ['poxuj] - interj.: means the speaker doesn't give a fuck
* хуесос - khujesos ['xujəsos] - a dick sucker
* ебать! - interj.: God damn it!
* ёбаный - yobannyj ['jobanɨj] - adj.: fucking
* ебля - yeblja ['jeblʲɐ] - a fuck
* соси - sosi [sɐ'sʲi] - imper. 2nd pers. sing.;
e.g.: Соси хуй, быдло - literally, 'Suck the dick, cattle!' (I can't translate it properly, but it's very offensive, though its usage is restricted by Russian chans, almost exclusively
* жополиз - zhopoliz [.ʐopɐ'lʲis] - a lickspittle, a bootlicker
May continue.
Jende = Bitch
Kiri = Nasty Dick sucker
Kuni = Faggot
Nane Jende = Son of a bitch
Koslis = Someone who deserves licking pussy
Lighter ones:
Nekbat = Nasty
Pedarsag = means theie Father is a Dog
Ashghal = Jerk
Dayyus = Male bitch
Kosmaghz = Dumbass
And these were in persian!
Naser si cobolaku.
Zkurveny madari.
Romsti spoluobcane maji dneska v praci den volna.
Frikulinsti navstevnici z Bratislavy maji radi poradneho fialoveho dlouhana do cokodirky.
Czech insults are almost entirely focused to be xenophobic against the Slovak minority (and other eastern slavic, to lesser extent). It was almost the next Kosovo when we split'd in 1994.
pisties=to fuck
ej ellē/ej dirst=go to hell/fuck off
These are some uniquely Latvian words I could remember off the top of my head. There are many more swear words, but they are usually taken from Russian or English like
peanus out for peanut
Haunting. What language is this?
Remind me which language (Hungarian maybe?) had an insult that supposedly had a literal meaning of something like "a horse's cock up your ass" but people were arguing about whether any native speaker who used it or heard it was really thinking about horse cock or if it really just translated more like a general "fuck you".