[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

3 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-28 18:45 ID:uYkoNp1T

A neat feature of swearing in French is that you can chain swear words with "de", and it will often result in an acceptable insult or interjection, even if it is meaningless - it's all in the delivery.
The standard opener is putain de bordel de merde (litt. whore of brothel of shit), which you can modify to chain into anything, for example, putain de bordel de merde d'enculé de batard de sa mère la pute (litt. whore of brothel of shit of ass-fucked bastard whose mother is a whore, would be roughly translated as "fucking faggot bastard, his mom is a whore")
In that construct, putain de bordel de or putain de bordel de merde de has the same function as the english "fuck" - it doesn't mean anything, it is just vulgar.

You shouldn't try to make a long combo, it is much more efficient to use traditional words and unexpected expressions to make a high-impact insult of interjection.

Of course, you can ignore this and use stand-alone swear words normally in conversation.

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