[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

31 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-05-16 21:40 ID:xpYQ5Bpp


Sorry but your swearing translation needs improvement.

perkele, saatana, paska, vittu, helvetti
would be better translated as something like:
devil, satan, shit, pussy, hell.

The severity is important when translating swearwords, since the literal meaning tends to not vary a lot (and be pointless anyway). Vittu is (unfortunately) used VERY frequently in modern language, whereas cunt is the "worst" word in the English language - saying that they are the same word paints quite a strange picture of spoken Finnish. I doubt anyone goes to a bar to "get cunt".

Naturally, vittu is a surprisingly dirty word considering the frequent usage. It has lost much of its force through inflation though, and doesn't have the power of cunt.

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