[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

40 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-05-22 23:08 ID:X7MVZq2h

(translated from Swedish - I'm a native speaker):

The first three are all variants of "Go to hell" but less forceful. The first one can be used in Serious Business (arguing, that is) but the latter two are humorous.
"Dra åt skogen" - literally "Go to the forest".
"Dra åt pipsvängen" - lit. "Go to the pipe curve" or something like it. No, this doesn't make any kind of sense in Swedish either.
"Dra dit pepparn växer" - lit. "Go to where the pepper grows" - kind of a mild variant of GTFO, since "where the pepper grows" is supposed to be some kind of ideomatic expression for "nowhere".

General curses:
"Tusan!" - lit. "Thousands!" - something like "Damn" or "Crap" but weaker. Can be used in mixed company and around small children without fear of retribution. Not a real curse, really.
"Förbannat!" - lit. "(he/she/it) be damned!" or "(he/she/it) be cursed!" - used as a general swearword, kinda like "damn" in English. Common.
"Skit också!" - lit. "Shit too!" (don't ask me what the "too" is doing there). More or less exactly like the English "Shit!". Common.

Telling people how much they suck:
"Jävla puckade anonyma jävel" - lit. "Damn moronic anonymous devil", or translated a bit more loosely "Fucking idiotic anonymous bastard".
"Gå och dränk dig" - lit. "Go drown yourself" - kind of a variant of "Go fuck yourself".
"Din jävel" - lit. "You devil" - the English equivalent is probably something like "You bastard" or "You fucker".
"Ditt avskum" - lit. "You scum". Very uncommon in modern spoken Swedish.

Misc. curses
"Förbannade skit" - lit. "Damned shit" or "Cursed shit". Just a simple doubling of the two separate curses.
"Jävla förbannade idiot" - lit. "Damn cursed idiot".
"Förbannade idiot" - lit. "Damn idiot."
"Förbenade idiot" - Same as above, but using a made-up word to make it less offensive.
"Helvetes idiot" - lit. "Idiot of hell". Yet another fucking idiot/damn idiot variant.

There. Where can I get my internet?

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