[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

50 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-09-03 15:34 ID:G5tFl3nC

German (The stuff in [ ] is my attempt at wrinting how this would be pronounced in english):
"Scheisse" [shai-ze] - Shit.
"Arschloch" [Arr-shlo-*] - Asshole (Sorry, you'll have to figure out how to speak the "ch" yourself.
"Idiot" [E-te-ot] - Idiot (Doh)
"Sackgesicht" [Zak-ge-si*t] - Dunno how you would say that in english, something about having an ugly face.
"Fahr zur hölle!" [Far zoor hew-lay] - Go to hell.
"Nutte" [Noo-tai] - Bitch.
"Fick dich ins knie!" [Feek de* ins k-n-ee] - Go fuck yourself.
"Hurensohn" [Hoo-ren-son] - Sonofabitch.
"Herrgottssakrament!" [Here-gods-sah-krah-me-nt] - Goddammit.
"Kruzitürken" [Croo-zi-toer-ken] - Oldskool niederbayern swear word. Old people use this.

Can't think of any more commonly used things right now. We also import a lot of english swear words (fuck, shit etc..)

Also, we can use the fact that everything can be chained together in german to make really long nonsensical swear words which are more funny than offending.

"Kreuzgranatendonnerwettersakramentsscheissdreckshurensohn, gottverdammter!" - Forget it, I'm not translating that.

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