[OFFENSIVE] Teach us how to swear in your language! (139)

55 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-10-04 21:43 ID:rcVWq6oA

Curse words in french canada are based on church/farm items

deux de pique - two of spades/loser
sacrant - annoying
en calvaire - pissed off
verrat - piglet/facetious person
ostensoir, calice, hostie, sacristie, tabernacle, ... - these are all church implements, they are pronounced differently when used for cursing
"mon doux" or "mon doux seigneur/Jésus" - lit. "my gentle lord/jesus" use this if you want to sound like a middle-aged lady
con - idiot/refers to female genitalia but I've never seen it used as such

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