What's the worst language? (44)

6 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2015-04-02 23:49 ID:wdZM44Kw

Kanji are beautiful. Especially when written large and carefully.

As for the original question, I think both Turkish and Hungarian look horrible on the page.

Just look at these samples, both from the wikipedia page for 'Chicken' in Hungarian and Turkish:


A házityúk (Gallus gallus domesticus) a bankivatyúk háziasított változata, amely a tyúkalakúak (Galliformes) rendjébe és a fácánfélék (Phasianidae) családjába tartozó faj, gazdaságilag a baromfikhoz sorolják őket.


Tavuk (Latince: Gallus gallus domesticus), sülüngiller (Latince: Phasianidae) familyasından evcilleştirilebilir bir kuş türüdür ve genelde çiftliklerde yetiştirilir. Hindistan'da Asya'nın güneydoğusundaki kırmızı Hint kuşundan geldiğine inanılır.

So many long words that just look terrible on the page. Too many consonants. Turkish has weirdly-placed apostrophes everywhere.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

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