When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-11-30 22:16 ID:dcrbgr/r

Your interests are very tractable, and shared by millions of people of both genders. Don't worry, we live in a very nerdy age.

From what you write I gather that you want to share your life with someone who cares for you, who loves you. Guess what, you'll have to care for this person, if you want some reciprocity. So you'd better come out of your recluse stance, which won't help you at all. You are nothing special, and certainly not worth approaching if you keep a stand offish attitude.

If you want to meet people who can care for you, you need to start liking yourself a bit more. And for that, you need to lower your level of cynicism and self deceit. Do a bit less of running away, and a bit more of stuff you find positive. Also, learn to find what you like in other people, not what you don't like. It's very easy and coward to devalue everything that surrounds you, it's much more ballsy to say: I like this! And as for expressing yourself, use your interests to encourage your talking, and remember that practice makes perfect.

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