When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-12-06 23:02 ID:7xuXZcGU

>>35 Here
It is easy to say that I should make the first move, etc. but, from my standpoint, this is no simple task. I spend years in a somewhat reclusive lifestyle (not going to use the hikki cliche) before returning to school, so I could at least find a way to survive in the world. I am thus pretty inhibited in terms of interacting with others.

Sure, alcohol helps with these issues, but I really am not interested in the types I might meet under the influence. Sure there are numerous girls at school, but I find it pretty much impossible to initiate a conversation with the aim of picking up a girl. I would love to break the monotony of my existence; I have, after all, succeeded in escaping the life of a hikki, but finding a girl seems beyond me...

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