When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-12-09 23:40 ID:QWoY5mQz

It is difficult to have much opportunity to interact with the opposite sex. My routine is pretty much to drive 20 miles to school from the middle of nowhere, sit in class, and then drive home. As far as option 1 goes, school is about the only option I have for real life interaction; living in a rural area sucks. Still, I have not really had the chance to know a girl long enough to have much in the way of conversation. Maybe option 2 would work.

I was able to break out of a bad situation, but this is a harder nut to crack. It really is possible to be in the middle of all the people in the world, and still be utterly alone.

See ya, >>35 out.

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