When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2013-01-09 21:30 ID:7XNibQnT

I'm not an alpha, a beta or anything else. I don't play the game. Hell, I've had girls chase after me, quite a few of them, and I rejected all but one. I didn't even like the one I ended up with, despite the fact that she was smart and objectively attractive.

Does it bother me that I haven't had that much experience? No, not really. Since I don't find 99.9% of women attractive or interesting enough to pursue a relationship with, I couldn't care less about having experience with them. If I wanted "plenty of pussy" I could probably get it easily, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm getting no benefit out of the deal.

I'm really a lot more worried about improving my writing and music skills and continuing my education and getting a real job that pays well than I am about women. Since my family is worried about me (some of them think I'm weird because I don't care about women) I might just get them to play matchmaker for me if they're that concerned about it. I may as well get married for the stability, but love is out of the question.

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