Singles Rant Thread, 3rd Edition (196)

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-10-21 04:06 ID:GSEXC/yG

>>88 Good luck, really! My sister has had the same problem, never dated, and just graduated a five year program of college, and never dated/kissed that I know of. Hope it goes well to you.

I've kissed more than my share, (mainly close friends who 'miss kissing other people' and me, being the lonely one agrees to 'help them out'.) The topic usually never arises, until I end up having a crush on them, and they bring up how much they'd like to be kissed, which, with my infatuation, turns out to be knotty at times. :/ (I'm a pansexual female, with female friends)

>>90 Maybe you can help them out? Get her over him, and show her that you're the better man. c:

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