Genuine Loners - Coping with Society (149)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-11 04:31 ID:vF/ywiim


Maybe people are what you need in your life. To cheer you on and encourage you to take up your academic pursuits again. At the very least you can go to community college and pick up an Associates' Degree, or study to be a chef or something.

You really shouldn't give up on your academic pursuits. I graduated last year, and there were times when I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. I flunked an entire semester because I spent too much time with anime/manga/irc/internet/etc.

If you really don't think that you can do well in an academic field, try something like photography. Find an arts school/college in your area and try some courses there. You could try introductory courses in several artistic disciplines to see if any of them are for you. Just keep your eye on the goal of finding something other than drifting between odd jobs/retail/etc.

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