NEET/Hikikomori Thread (60)

23 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2021-12-16 23:23 ID:L3IGmvx7

> Internet isn't much more helpful either, nobody will ever live closeby.

I wouldn't say that's a given, you never know. I've met people on the internet who live very close by to me and I even met them IRL. That's fairly simple to do these days but the problem is with what happens next. All of my meetups were super awkward. I found that I didn't have much to really say to these people as they turned out to be totally different in person than they are online. I suppose I should have expected that, as I'm not the same in person as I am online either.

That isn't to say that internet friendships can't be fruitful, they can, but only if you keep them exclusively online if you don't want a very awkward and ultimately unpleasant experience.

> End result, there is no society to join.

Of course there isn't. Society implies shared values, beliefs and goals in a population, not a loose collection of individuals who are out for themselves. When I mentioned joining society I only used the word "society" for simplicity's sake. What I meant by it was really just getting a job and going along to get along.

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