I was always a sperg but now I feel like I'm doomed to be an outcast due to my age alone.
I can't even begin to rationalize all the time I wasted, how the fuck am I gonna explain it to people?
It feels like I'll never be able to form a normal relationship.
I don't wanna die alone.
Late yes, too late never.
Heard colleges are only good for getting yourself in eternal dept, but I should listen to internet less, internet is malicious
It's not too late to change your hikikomori ways!
I've personal chosen the way of remaining a shut-in, but working hard so I can work from home as a programmer one day instead of living on autismbux forever.
oh god, forgot to change the formatting
i'm not the other guy i swear
No you still have time left but do it now because otherwise you will regret it later on. When you're a 35 year old hikikomori or even 50 year old hikikomori then you're too far gone.
You are the other guy, aren't you?...
It's never too late, but college is good for a degree so that companies will think you're smart and qualified to do whatever it is they want you to do.
But by the looks of it, college is low on your list of things to sort out.
Your definitely NOT too late. You can do it Anon!
It's not too late until you turn 30
go to college, you may find new friends
I'm a 30y hikikomori. Since I was 14 or 15. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧