I'm a serious insomniac and can't sleep and when I can sleep I always wake up exhausted and tired. I'm restless and paranoid all the time. Whats the secret to a good night sleep? I've tried pills and they just fuck me up for some reason.
Just fap yourself to sleep. It works.
progressive relaxation
bed only for sleeping: no phone, no lounge
look at the inside of your eyelids, not at your thoughts
I’ve tried these and it doesn’t work. I just stare in the darkness or end up trying to resist the urge to fap.
no idea, everyone's on a different clock
if you lie in bed for long periods of time with a body full of energy, i recommend going out for a late night run
it may seem weird of even dangerous knowing, or rather not knowing what's going on outside but who'd mess with a guy running around at the dead of night? i myself suffer from poor sleeping habits and this just werks for me. i think it's due to the fact that i don't do anythng all day, jst sit by my pc and my energy goes to waste. hope this helps you out
I don’t have a bed. Do I need a bed for good sleep? I just sleep on the floor or on my desk. Sometimes I get drool on my keyboard so now I try to cover it before I collapse of exhaustion.
Eat 200 milligrams of diphenhydramine each night. You'll sleep very soundly and have fun dreams.
Drop a brick on your head every night and knock yourself out cold
Work out before bed until you collapse of exhaustion
I like sleeping on my side. It allows for easier diaphragmatic breathing vis a vis crooking your legs in a sort of fetal position.
Taking a bath as hot as you can stand it and some 4x strength -dose benadryl can help too. A once therapist of mine I fired told me that. It helps. Tylenol PM is just as good. Don't take too much benadryl. Or do
Just use stolen towels from the public bathroom to jerry rig your chair into a makeshift table-chair cot in this South Korean internet cafe you live in.
Try AM DXing and Shortwave listening. It gives you something to do and makes the graveyard shift a bit less lonely (I recommend a XHData D-219 if you wanna stay cheap, and maybe an AN-80 antenna if you can hang it on a curtain rod or something).
sometimes I draw, just to get my mind of things.