[Suggestion] New Board: "Observations About This Website Being Dead" (44)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2019-05-12 07:07 ID:lYWjQYeb

On a fairly regular basis, General receives posts claiming that 4-ch is dead or dying, or asking about how to prevent 4-ch from dying, or asking if anyone still posts. Seeing as it seems that the demand to discuss this topic is great enough, it would be nice to see this get it's own board. In fact, it may turn out to be the fastest board on 4-ch yet!
Preliminary calculations from the finest scientists over at the Elitist Superstructure suggest that an "Observations About This Website Being Dead" board would receive roughly 238% more posts than all the leading textboards combined! It would be practically criminal for 4-ch to not pursue such a wonderful opportunity for growth.

I must insist, for the good of our thriving community, that such a board is created immediately and that all "dead board" threads currently found on General be moved there with haste.
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