>>41 It's not that it should be a secret, just that new posters who ain't rockin with the vibe should get with the programme a bit. Lurk to see how things work then make interesting posts. Don't shit up the board with crappy posts and lamestream memes. I only half-agree with this, tbh I find it quite funny when some new guy makes crappy posts, when they don't really “get it”, and when they get burned for it. When they post with a tripcode, they run the risk of being marked by the regulars - I can't recommend it to amateurs :-P The posts themselves are annoying but the spectacle is a bit entertaining.
>it's not like this place has much of a unique culture anyway.
I think it does actually, I like it more than any other textboard and that's why I've been coming here for so long. Perhaps you haven't lurked deeply enough. There's a nuance that new visitors miss at first.