BPS has passed the site on to me, as you might have seen. Please use this thread for...
I'm also going to use this thread as an update log, for convenience.
For anything else, you can reach me over IRC (on #4-ch) or .
So far:
So far, these are my current goals for the site:
Hello new admin,
I have to admit that when I entered the site and saw the new front page image(the boat on the sea) I got shocked and thought that the site got hacked or that the the previous admin woke up from a nightmare and remembered he was supposed to maintain a certain website.
I would like to suggest season images for the front page, maybe changing every season (or month), of course images related to that season/month. Also, bring back the previous image.
>Potentially merging or closing some of the older boards (highly debatable — I would prefer to keep them active, but a few may be beyond saving at this point)
Please don't close boards, or if you really really need to, then at least put them in read-only mode for history/archive purpose.
Good luck.
>suggest season images
I meant seasonal images. Changing them every season or month. Also bring back the previous image as a seasonal image if you decide to go forward with this idea.
Hey, post previews are now working perfectly (at least for me special characters were glitchy since always). I think the "WakabaMark" formatting option can be removed now since the posts are monospaced.
Remove the copypaste from /pol/ and link threads from dqn.
Unbelievable! Thanks for setting up the ssl!
I know you are not mentioning them, but please try to keep the old style "mobile" pages as they are even smaller than standard kareha pages and useful for quick reading, if that would not require too much work i.e. while upgrading kareha.
I may not be the only one liking them, as there are some cries after the "old internet" in /general, and these are some pre-HTML5 mobile pages which is super rare nowadays.
I don't know what any of these words mean, but can we finally get a mailing list?
Why is the imageboard still in the navigation sidebar if it's closed?
Really minor issue and I don't know if it's just for me, but when I refresh the page and select a style, the site shits itself and loses all CSS, so I need to click on the option again.
Please a way to stop people to constantly bump old, and for all purpose archived, threads.
If I can find a good source of images, I was thinking of actually updating the front page with a new image every few months or so, but a seasonal cycle might work too.
If anything, the boards would go to the archive and remain readable. I'm thinking of getting the archive script up and running either way, and I'm tempted to also setup autosage for older threads.
Nice! I have no idea what I did.
I was actually thinking of updating the regular kareha.pl templates for proper mobile scaling and retiring mobile.pl completely; I had no idea people were actually using it. I'm still thinking of putting it up on robots.txt so it doesn't appear in search results anymore, would that be ok?
I'm thinking of bringing /img/ back at some point in the future, probably as a fresh start.
Happens to me with the frameset on webkit. Not sure how to fix it, might have to go back to unified CSS and some other trick for getting the font right on the three relevant boards.
>>15 People probably don't, maybe it's just me. The mobile.pl pages are actually not useful for mobile at all; they are useful for minimal desktop browsers, like lynx, as they will render in anything. They come from times when "mobile browser" meant opera mini for Java or IE for Windows CE. I'm sure there is no need to have them in search results.
Hi. Could you re-add imageboard?
Don't re-add imageboard, it's just a magnet for pedoshit and other garbage.
You're talking to cicadas' shells so stop doing that.
Or at the very least use sage while posting in old threads.
I like sharing images, but it's true that pedos have no souls and like to ruin the internet for everyone.
Recent changes:
CSS changes:
make an overboard!! also maybe it's a good idea to make some dead boards read-only to centralize posting and make this place more active. NEVER delete archives
captcha: bipe
2 Channel — English Navigator is broken links do not work when you try to click on them.
It would be nice if Blue Moon could support mobile AA like pseud0ch
I would like to bring it back, but no promises.
It's on my list, and would definitely be useful for catching spam and such early. Not sure about a proper overboard, but some sort of log of the latest posts (in the past 24 hours, or some fixed number) should definitely be doable.
2ch/5ch blocks foreign IPs, plus the whole page is in need of updating. If anyone feels like doing it or has a better site to link to, let me know.
Fixed, and added submona support to all the other styles as well (oops!).
Hey ssz, there's a directory (I forget where) on the site with pixel art of girls with cat years and the 4ch logo. Why not use those? Someone put them on the server like a decade ago but they never got used.
2ch changed its domain to 5ch.net, the links in 2ch portal still point to old domain. Please fix that.
Unless I'm messing things up on my end, I think 5ch/5channel's boards are blocked for non-Japanese users.
Only the other 2channel (2ch.sc) can be freely visited outside of Japan.
bps sucked
allow tor posters btw
5ch is read-only to the west now besides a few international boards like /img8/ which anyone can post on. I'm pretty sure these were created by Watkins but I'm not sure.
What I'm saying is that 5channel's board are all blocked for me, I can't access any of them.
On the other hand I can check (but not post in, obviously) all boards on 2ch.sc.
Are you European? I think its still blocked for Euros.
Yes, I am.
I see, that explains why it's blocked for me.
Do that if you want it to become pedo website.
make a portuguese+spanish board
>2ch/5ch blocks foreign IPs, plus the whole page is in need of updating. If anyone feels like doing it or has a better site to link to, let me know.
why not change the links to 2ch.sc?
it doesn't block foreign IPs like 5ch and scrapes content from it anyway
I can't refresh captcha anymore
need more advertising
i will spam this place everywhere
>>40 no!!!!
don't. This place will be filled with spam if you do.
I'd support archiving and clearing up the board list.
Is there any way to download the archive?
https://static.4-ch.net/images/front/1100732162896.gif https://static.4-ch.net/images/front/1100882487494.gif https://static.4-ch.net/images/front/1102394695500.gif these ones? Sure, could be fun.
Fixed, and added solutions for DQN and Nihongo so all boards should have functional captcha reloading now.
Archives aren't going anywhere, don't worry. There aren't any public downloads right now, but before merging/closing some of the boards (there's gonna be a thread for this sometime in the future), I'm planning on making a full archive of the site.
Any chance of the little frying pan cat view counter returning to DQN?
BPS ran this site for like a decade
How long do you think you can run this site? Because I don't want to wake up one day to 4-ch being dead
Add more special and small little features like the 'Release Emergency Mittens' thing on DQN if you can. Thanks ssz
Noted. The counter is probably going to have to start at zero, I hope that's fine.
"Indefinitely", in terms of the actual cost/effort required to keep it running, and I would like to at least see it hit 20 years. If I ever get tired, I'm probably going to pass it on to someone else in good time before it risks disappearing.
For that matter:
The 10,000th of September is right around the corner, and I would like to know if there are any suggestions for other ways to commemorate the event. So far, I've got the following lined up:
imageboard will attract bad actors and more rejects from other [dead] imageboards so many mods OR very dedicated mods will be needed. only way to quarantine them is to give them a dedicated space to degen in, and we see what happened to 8ch for that.
posting source is also dudebro. are you interested in software upgrades and patches?
I will moderate and delete loli on sight.
Okay pedophile
Completely wipe everything and start from scratch with a few basic boards
kill yourself
Please install a webfont for emojis that make them look less intrusive and obnoxious. Ideally one of those black and white outline emoji fonts. That way they blend in better and lose their trolling potential.
Maybe the ideal would be something similar to those old Japanese phone emoji, but I don't think there are any open source web fonts like that.
The same people asking to ban loli .jpgs from the IB are probably 2hu spammers. Ban 2hu at all costs, ssz. This is a board of elitist quality, 2hu images do not fit the standard. SAoVQ's images are terrible even with the size limit. Don't take any chances; remove images that aren't original to 4-ch.
I hate all anime stuff personally. I don't know what 2hu is.
i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
How about an oekaki board instead of an imageboard? That avoids the CP problem.
I'll make sure to draw badly rendered dicks on it at least.