[Suggestions] [Feedback] New new management [Exciting!] (247)

35 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-02 08:50 ID:0nyTF/2R

Do that if you want it to become pedo website.

36 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-05 01:17 ID:IdWqf/SF

make a portuguese+spanish board

224 Name: ssz!!(Admin) : 2022-09-05 21:27 ID:UkEOwpGF

I've cleaned up some of your posts, and moved some of them into your new thread on /ascii/, hope that's fine with you.
I would strongly urge you to take some time to familiarize yourself with the board (i.e. not making tons of threads without replies), but other than that you're free to post.

64 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-04 22:20 ID:G5XB5maS

How about an oekaki board instead of an imageboard? That avoids the CP problem.

168 Name: kuz : 2021-06-09 20:46 ID:ef85vB7W

Add Sexpcode / Lispmark to the site. Both were made by people in the textboard community (Cairnarvon and Archduke)

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-10-06 21:43 ID:bZCrpkrf

Remove the copypaste from /pol/ and link threads from dqn.

235 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-29 12:44 ID:7R+Xhpsn

Remove the Google malware on the front page

12 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-10-07 01:41 ID:VJHeTjND

Why is the imageboard still in the navigation sidebar if it's closed?

186 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-02-08 07:46 ID:Heaven

I think the idea behind keeping it is from the fact that it has been there since the middle of 2007, though not in the years before that. Back then Google wasn't as soulless (or at least not well known to be), it was just a basic search engine and it allowed some static Web 1.0 sites or DOS prone sites to get a search bar too by pushing the work onto Google.

This is a better idea than outright removal. Not only is the google search bar http which makes the search input public for pretty much every ISP you're routed through, it's also routed through google which is sad given the state of affairs in that company and how much data they collect.
If the search bar remains as is I'd like to at least request switching it from http to https so my browser doesn't alert me about how insecure it is, the google logo alone is enough of a reminder. Switching the form action url from http to https is enough, I tested it.

197 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-06-01 08:31 ID:WKh8657K

37 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-05 01:27 ID:IdWqf/SF


ヽ(´ー`)ノ yeeee

85 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-16 07:36 ID:iKSGNOML

Delete everything

182 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-02-04 17:35 ID:4cHwJHk9

remove the search bar from the front page on 4-ch.net, it makes the site look like a static landing page and google is bad. the "join in" button could be a bit more obvious. quite happy about new management and its nice to see this place is looking good.

137 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-08 17:11 ID:PZo3en2y

CP spam is back

213 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-27 17:54 ID:8MChDjEx

Board suggestion: spam /spam/

236 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-10 17:49 ID:Heaven

Could you change the Tor forbidden block on Images to be on the post forms only so it can still be read similar to the textboards?

166 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-05-12 20:03 ID:sGeZyIKD

Any posts with text art formatting already show up in submona font on mobile, but how about making the entire boards of DQN and AA Bar use submona on mobile too? They use AA font everywhere on desktop anyways.
It'll help view character threads and posts that should have been made with text art formatting but weren't.

75 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-13 09:52 ID:5t/t2Pd8

I've never set foot on the American continent, and what does this have to do with topic?

109 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-16 19:40 ID:trxbIkWi

>>106 /img/ is not exactly the place for high brow discussion, it's ok to be a bit juvenile. the "kitaaa" kaomoji blankpost wordfilter is from futaba, after all.

223 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-09-05 16:28 ID:Heaven

Off-topic Botnet affiliate scam.

231 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-23 02:45 ID:Heaven

hopefully never

236 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-10 17:49 ID:Heaven

Could you change the Tor forbidden block on Images to be on the post forms only so it can still be read similar to the textboards?

152 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-27 19:41 ID:Heaven

(TOR posting is briefly down.)

243 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2024-09-29 12:19 ID:VFtxJPQt

Damn sorry wrong thread ^_^;

78 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 02:44 ID:4RYM8ozI


How about no moralfag LOL i have never touched a kid and i don't plan on it anytime soon because i don't wanna go to jail but i totally would if it was legal and the child wanted to suck my dick LOL.

209 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-08 17:24 ID:Heaven

>>206 I disagree, I say deal with it

183 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-02-06 05:32 ID:/sSumYl2


you want to remove the soul of the page

145 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 01:36 ID:+Qw1/Cp2

Some feedback on the Guide pages, though I don't know how many new users actually read them, let alone discover this website in the first place:

It might not hurt to explain what the "DQN" board is on the intro page (https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction). Something like "The mysteriously titled 'DQN' is an anything-goes board for comedy threads and casual social chatter in the vein of the famous 2channel board News4VIP. Its name comes from 'dokyun', a 2channel meme meaning approximately 'dumbass.'"

When I click on "Joining in" on https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction within the main page frame, my browser (latest Firefox) throws the console error "Blocked loading mixed active content “http://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate”."

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sage_%28Internet%29 which doesn't exist.

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/history is kinda boring. It could mention that 4-ch was part of the iichan/wakachan network before it died, and possibly say something about the IAA board. (I'm not sure whether it was actually deliberate, but since IAA was never linked to from iichan, I got the impression it was originally a 'secret hangout' for elite 4-ch posters, which seems an interesting footnote at least.) Not sure any of the other removed boards are worth mentioning.

Also, possibly deliberate and not really a major issue, but Requests is linked twice on the sidebar, once at the top under General and once at the bottom.

194 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-04-06 08:05 ID:UFfRXq8C

Can the mittens on /dqn/ get a z-index so they appear above the threads?

193 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-03-06 15:54 ID:JN2SqdkX

I always wondered where the other front page images went.
The crane is my favorite :)

196 Name: ssz!!(Admin) : 2022-05-28 14:13 ID:Heaven

>>194 Yes!
>>192 No!
>>195 It's visible again! You're welcome!

118 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-27 04:38 ID:iKSGNOML


146 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 04:07 ID:Heaven

>'DQN' is an anything-goes board for comedy threads and casual social chatter in the vein of the famous 2channel board News4VIP

This isn't even corrent (was it ever?).

135 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-07 01:07 ID:Eu+Rlj3L

RIP /img/

105 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 18:05 ID:PZo3en2y

Can we have the (next) DQN namefield AA be DQN-kun? ((●)トェェェイ(●))

136 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-07 04:57 ID:Heaven

If you're open to some sort of way to make BUUN unique, personally, I would use it if it didn't use the brick background image and instead let the background color be the default #C5AD99 (or perhaps something lighter like #ECA if that's too ugly).

84 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-01-16 02:21 ID:muTytuBI

Applied a fix, try refreshing.

20 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-10-11 11:56 ID:+L7HktOs

You're talking to cicadas' shells so stop doing that.
Or at the very least use sage while posting in old threads.

209 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-08 17:24 ID:Heaven

>>206 I disagree, I say deal with it

87 Name: thank you ssz : 2021-01-19 13:38 ID:9/JDBjl4

I enjoy the new (old) stylesheets, but it looks like the BUUN stylesheet is now gone? it was just pseudoch with red titles and light borders but I kind of miss it...

I probably won't use the imageboard but thanks for the work in bringing it back

216 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-29 22:16 ID:Heaven

Vaguely reminds me of the w2ch (.org) logo... spooky...

207 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-04 07:32 ID:OH/yrTOL

Catalog for the imageboard should be a default functionality

136 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-07 04:57 ID:Heaven

If you're open to some sort of way to make BUUN unique, personally, I would use it if it didn't use the brick background image and instead let the background color be the default #C5AD99 (or perhaps something lighter like #ECA if that's too ugly).

236 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-10 17:49 ID:Heaven

Could you change the Tor forbidden block on Images to be on the post forms only so it can still be read similar to the textboards?

116 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-18 22:57 ID:Heaven

jeez, what's up with all this seething and vc: copation

38 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-05 09:52 ID:/B27kAMR


>2ch/5ch blocks foreign IPs, plus the whole page is in need of updating. If anyone feels like doing it or has a better site to link to, let me know.

why not change the links to 2ch.sc?
it doesn't block foreign IPs like 5ch and scrapes content from it anyway

204 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-06-27 13:15 ID:Heaven

Do permasaged threads have a slightly thicker border on most stylesheets? I never noticed that until recently, so I was wondering if this was a change SSZ made. It's subtle, so I like it

168 Name: kuz : 2021-06-09 20:46 ID:ef85vB7W

Add Sexpcode / Lispmark to the site. Both were made by people in the textboard community (Cairnarvon and Archduke)

71 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-11 19:17 ID:fE8raWzJ

Is there any possibility the post limit could be raised by one, for https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610370984/?

55 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-12-25 21:35 ID:Heaven

kill yourself

35 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-02 08:50 ID:0nyTF/2R

Do that if you want it to become pedo website.

235 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-29 12:44 ID:7R+Xhpsn

Remove the Google malware on the front page

139 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-16 05:24 ID:Heaven

Thanks for letting us know!

79 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 02:45 ID:x7WvdLWR

Don't delete the boards, asshole cynics.

126 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 14:40 ID:4RYM8ozI


We say an hero here but you probably don't know what that means because you're a little bitch still in diapers who likes shitty mainstream normalfag culture. Zoomers like you don't understand internet culture you destroy it now get the fuck out of here this place is for old people who miss the 90s and 2000s and before.

79 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 02:45 ID:x7WvdLWR

Don't delete the boards, asshole cynics.

106 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 21:55 ID:Heaven


It's incredibly easy to write a conditional in perl that fills a certain field if found blank. If ssz could write the sjis function I doubt an empty text field would be hard.

Although it is a bit juvenile. Reminds me of old 420chan.

80 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 12:38 ID:5t/t2Pd8

Yeah, ok.

Since this is obviously a site catering primarily to pedophiles, I'll just go somewhere else.

39 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-09 23:00 ID:Heaven

I can't refresh captcha anymore

239 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2024-07-31 01:37 ID:PC8qnA9D

Please develop an exterminator that hunts down and kills jakposters

203 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-06-16 18:59 ID:Heaven

I already have https://4-ch.net/img/res/2664.html for image uploading, but I want to upload chiptunes sometimes, those have .mod and .it extensions, and sometimes something else. Uploading text files is another thing I want to do sometimes.

107 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 23:10 ID:Heaven

it's a stock setting in both kareha and wakaba i think

88 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-01-20 18:05 ID:Heaven

I figured I'd just merge it into mittens.css so we could have 2 Pseud0ch-likes instead of 3... but I guess it can stay for now.

123 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 06:27 ID:4RYM8ozI


Gatekeeping is one word kid.

167 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-05-26 05:11 ID:iKSGNOML

Erase and start fresh

241 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2024-09-23 05:11 ID:w6dZzmUd

Thank you for setting the default text formatting back to "WakabaMark" instead of the blank selection which broke the "Preview post" button.

165 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-05-04 06:55 ID:nY0Oune/

well, i have to confess that was funny

15 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2020-10-07 14:01 ID:muTytuBI

If I can find a good source of images, I was thinking of actually updating the front page with a new image every few months or so, but a seasonal cycle might work too.

If anything, the boards would go to the archive and remain readable. I'm thinking of getting the archive script up and running either way, and I'm tempted to also setup autosage for older threads.

Nice! I have no idea what I did.

I was actually thinking of updating the regular kareha.pl templates for proper mobile scaling and retiring mobile.pl completely; I had no idea people were actually using it. I'm still thinking of putting it up on robots.txt so it doesn't appear in search results anymore, would that be ok?

I'm thinking of bringing /img/ back at some point in the future, probably as a fresh start.

Happens to me with the frameset on webkit. Not sure how to fix it, might have to go back to unified CSS and some other trick for getting the font right on the three relevant boards.

145 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 01:36 ID:+Qw1/Cp2

Some feedback on the Guide pages, though I don't know how many new users actually read them, let alone discover this website in the first place:

It might not hurt to explain what the "DQN" board is on the intro page (https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction). Something like "The mysteriously titled 'DQN' is an anything-goes board for comedy threads and casual social chatter in the vein of the famous 2channel board News4VIP. Its name comes from 'dokyun', a 2channel meme meaning approximately 'dumbass.'"

When I click on "Joining in" on https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction within the main page frame, my browser (latest Firefox) throws the console error "Blocked loading mixed active content “http://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate”."

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sage_%28Internet%29 which doesn't exist.

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/history is kinda boring. It could mention that 4-ch was part of the iichan/wakachan network before it died, and possibly say something about the IAA board. (I'm not sure whether it was actually deliberate, but since IAA was never linked to from iichan, I got the impression it was originally a 'secret hangout' for elite 4-ch posters, which seems an interesting footnote at least.) Not sure any of the other removed boards are worth mentioning.

Also, possibly deliberate and not really a major issue, but Requests is linked twice on the sidebar, once at the top under General and once at the bottom.

58 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-12-27 09:23 ID:4RYM8ozI


This is probably for the best.

144 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-03-22 15:06 ID:muTytuBI

It gave me a major headache the last time I tried to look at it, and I might just have to modify the templates to get it right. I'll check it out tomorrow.

Probably not. If Wakaba ever becomes inadequate, I might consider it.


100 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 07:38 ID:Heaven

Wakaba doesn't have wordfilters.

132 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-02 22:42 ID:GnEKFOZB

old people should not be allowed on the internet.

15 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2020-10-07 14:01 ID:muTytuBI

If I can find a good source of images, I was thinking of actually updating the front page with a new image every few months or so, but a seasonal cycle might work too.

If anything, the boards would go to the archive and remain readable. I'm thinking of getting the archive script up and running either way, and I'm tempted to also setup autosage for older threads.

Nice! I have no idea what I did.

I was actually thinking of updating the regular kareha.pl templates for proper mobile scaling and retiring mobile.pl completely; I had no idea people were actually using it. I'm still thinking of putting it up on robots.txt so it doesn't appear in search results anymore, would that be ok?

I'm thinking of bringing /img/ back at some point in the future, probably as a fresh start.

Happens to me with the frameset on webkit. Not sure how to fix it, might have to go back to unified CSS and some other trick for getting the font right on the three relevant boards.

228 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-11-12 19:39 ID:Heaven

Anyone else experienced new posts not showing up in the thread immediately? I sometimes post something, open the thread again (by clicking on it from thread list on board main page, the /l50 link), and it doesn't show the post I just made. It only shows up when I refresh the page I just opened. I thought it was a caching issue, but all headers seem to be present.

Oh, and by the way, check out this vid.
Worst CAPTCHA Ever
This vid suggests that captcha isn't as good a defense as it once was. Also nigger warning, through he's pretty smart for a nigger.

39 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-09 23:00 ID:Heaven

I can't refresh captcha anymore

230 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-23 00:15 ID:qnPh8gkS

pages when?

100 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 07:38 ID:Heaven

Wakaba doesn't have wordfilters.

181 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2022-01-30 13:04 ID:muTytuBI

  • New front page image
  • Added /hades/ as an alternative destination for threads too bad to keep on the boards (mostly "dead board???" ones)
  • Picked header images for /iaa/ and /japan/ (tentatively). /games/ and /current/ are still open for submissions but I've cleaned up the notification messages for now

105 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 18:05 ID:PZo3en2y

Can we have the (next) DQN namefield AA be DQN-kun? ((●)トェェェイ(●))

106 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 21:55 ID:Heaven


It's incredibly easy to write a conditional in perl that fills a certain field if found blank. If ssz could write the sjis function I doubt an empty text field would be hard.

Although it is a bit juvenile. Reminds me of old 420chan.

22 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2020-10-15 13:28 ID:muTytuBI

Recent changes:

  • Made the site slightly more mobile-friendly
  • The frames page now preloads CSS, which seems to alleviate problems with switching stylesheets in webkit
  • mobile.pl has been added to robots.txt -- the script (and archive.pl) are finally published to https://services.4-ch.net/view/kareha_scripts
  • CSS changes:

    • Added IPAMonaPGothic and Submona support to all stylesheets
    • Wide AA posts create a scrollbar instead of linebreaks if there's not enough horizontal space now
    • Slightly increased the font size on Blue Moon
    • The roses and Suigintou have returned to Mercury

16 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-10-07 22:35 ID:6rTj43Vb

>>15 People probably don't, maybe it's just me. The mobile.pl pages are actually not useful for mobile at all; they are useful for minimal desktop browsers, like lynx, as they will render in anything. They come from times when "mobile browser" meant opera mini for Java or IE for Windows CE. I'm sure there is no need to have them in search results.

218 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-09-03 11:14 ID:Heaven

Ban suggestion:
Parker2328 - ID:YIhZgoiP

(At least until they stop posting AA outside the AA board)

209 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-08-08 17:24 ID:Heaven

>>206 I disagree, I say deal with it

71 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-11 19:17 ID:fE8raWzJ

Is there any possibility the post limit could be raised by one, for https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610370984/?

52 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-12-22 06:18 ID:QdP392rb

But loli is so cute.

202 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2022-06-16 07:02 ID:Heaven

Add a file uploader that accepts nothing but goatse's infamous hello.jpg. Store each uploaded goatse instance separately for maximum storage waste, since that's a bit funnier than storing it only once.

I think this would really satisfy >>200's desires. I don't see what other possible images our textboard posters could possibly want.

141 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-20 19:45 ID:63JdoI+k

Thank you for fixing the post-form, Mr. ssz, appreciate it.
I may be a slowpoke, but I noticed just now.

39 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-11-09 23:00 ID:Heaven

I can't refresh captcha anymore

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