If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.
Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.
Previously: https://4-ch.net/req/kareha.pl/1150374763/
old suicidal thread bumped by troll bumper
img cp
^ still
top of /img/
img CP
I had one of those waking dreams where I found the poster's house, tied him up, duct-taped his mouth, stabbed his eyes out with a screwdriver then posted pics of it all in a new thread (with a little time-stamped post-it note on his face of course). Would that be something people would like to see?
https://4-ch.net/general/ has been spammed with 20+ threads titled "globohomo" and "shill"
And now some crypto shit
Purge all the newfags
and the images section probably has cp again, but I stopped using that board because I don't want to see or deal with that.
>Ban the proxy poster who shits up threads acting as multiple people
As someone who has been accused of this several times, I promise you this proxy poster doesn't exist. Even if he did, how would you ban him?
>I stopped using that board because I don't want to see or deal with that.
Spammer wins :\
This Paul Morris guy in General posting his probably shitty imageboard or forum in every single thread.
The guy thinks everyone is using proxies and shits up threads accusing everyone of using proxies and shitting up threads. It's astounding.
>>332 What?