[HOME PAGE] Please change "website" to "websight" [REQUEST] [ADJUSTMENT]] (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2025-02-19 14:44 ID:sa1qwKQs

As per the thread title,

I humbly request that the description on the home page, containing the word "website", which currently reads,

>Channel4 is a website for anonymous discussion on a variety of topics.

be changed to "websight", so that it should read,

>Channel4 is a websight for anonymous discussion on a variety of topics.

Thank you in advance for complying with this request.

Anonymous Advisor.

ver: cacely

2 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2025-02-19 15:51 ID:2Y5iukQX

Proposal that this webpage must henceforth recognize the superiority of the species Gorilla Gorilla over Homo Sapiens. Inferior Homo Sapiens individuals shall no longer be permitted to post on these boards.

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