[HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b] (416)

2 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2005-09-05 21:03 ID:KxkIsG20

Now, for my own question:

I want to take screenshots of videos with softsubs but cannot figure out how to do that. The subtitles just won't show up.

I've tried with VLC and MPC but with no success.

With BSPlayer, I have found some sort of workaround, because for some reason, hitting Print and then copypasting that into some image in an image editing program will work. However, that's not really convenient, I'd like to be able to take proper screenshots in one single step and just using the normal BSPlayer screenshot function ("p") won't work.

Please help me out here!

PS: Using XP Pro.

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