[HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b] (412)

54 Name: CyB3r h4xX0r g33k 2006-02-12 11:28 ID:RoTg6Kxy

from the xterm manpage:

> It is possible to rebind keys (or sequences of keys) to arbitrary
> strings for input, by changing the translations resources for the vt100
> or tek4014 widgets. Changing the translations resource for events
> other than key and button events is not expected, and will cause unpre-
> dictable behavior. The following actions are provided for use within
> the vt100 or tek4014 translations resources:


> scroll-back(count [,units [,mouse] ])
> This action scrolls the text window backward so that text that
> had previously scrolled off the top of the screen is now visi-
> ble.
> The count argument indicates the number of units (which may be
> page, halfpage, pixel, or line) by which to scroll.
> An adjustment can be specified for these values by appending a
> "+" or "-" sign followed by a number, e.g., page-2 to specify 2
> lines less than a page.
> If the third parameter mouse is given, the action is ignored
> when mouse reporting is enabled.
> scroll-forw(count [,units [,mouse] ])
> This action is similar to scroll-back except that it scrolls in
> the other direction.


> The default bindings in the VT102 window are:
> Shift <KeyPress> Prior:scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
> Shift <KeyPress> Next:scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n\
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