[HELP] Single questions & Help Thread [n00b] (416)

66 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2006-03-16 03:50 ID:r48WV+zM

i need to print 6 images on a page (2 columns 3 rows) such that when i cut the page into 6 and stack, the images overlap exactly. does anyone know an easy way to do this? i've tried doing it by calculating margins and manually plonking the images in word, but this seems somewhat imprecise. and i imagine doing a 6 slide per page thing isn't going to work cos you can't adjust the spacing between slides?
also, i'm trying to get away with using small margins (0.5cm sides 1.35cm top/bottom) but word says the images will go outside the printable area; will these margins work on another printer?

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