Japanese PHP/CGI BBS script archive (9)

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-09-25 10:17 ID:RvcUTHbw

>i should have asked for nami too, but too late now

Nami as in namikare? I don't have usada's version of it (assuming that's the guy that ran all those forest-named BBSes that are now gone - RIP those), but you can find the original namikare scripts and associated toilet script here:

There also exists the original Ans.Q script that namikare was based on:

And in other ancient Japanese BBS script news, I managed to snag and archive the old zian (自アン; jidou enquete sakusei; 自動アンケート作成) script before the last surviving instance went down earlier this year (RIP that board also). Here's the archive for the script:

One thing to note is that the script needs a certain GIF for the vote bars, and there's also references to a ToS text file - neither of which are included in the original ZIP. Luckily I thought to grab them myself back when the site was still online, and I've reuploaded them here along with vote.zip:

BTW, if anyone messing around with old Japanese scripts needs a version of jcode.pl that works on more up-to-date versions of Perl, you can find a fixed/updated copy here:

Alternatively, you can usually just comment out all the lines of the script related to jcode, convert all the shift-JIS encoded files to UTF-8, and make sure to add/modify every HTML header in the script to include <meta charset="utf-8">. Voila, no jcode.pl required

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