I’m a n00b when it comes to computers but I don’t want to use Mint or Ubuntu, what’s the alternatives? I just want to learn programming with it but want to make it secure enough so I can fap in secret. Which should I pick?
I've gotten far with Oracle Linux.
Pretty much Red Hat, but for free.
GNOME is supported out of box, while KDE has to be installed manually.
Install all your GUI programs through Flatpak they won't be in the system repositories.
I have no idea what any of that meant..... I'm stupid (-__-)
I think you are just better off using Cygwin and installing the GCC and MinGW GCC compilers for programming.
To explain what I said in the previous post:
Red Hat is a company that sells Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
They also own Fedora and CentOS, but these should not be used because Red Hat uses Fedora for development and CentOS for beta testing so you will always run into problems.
Oracle Linux is just Red Hat Linux, but for free.
Oracle only charges money if you want support which is typically only need by big businesses.
GNOME is a desktop environment that tries to act like macOS's desktop. Officially supported by Red Hat (and thus Oracle), but it is very painful to use with how bare boned it is.
KDE is a desktop environment that tries to act like Window's desktop. Not officially supported by Red Hat or Oracle, but is more tolerable to use.
Flatpak is a system that tries to make Linux programs run on every distribution possible since this task has always been impossible most of the time.
So you won't be able to install Steam or Mumble if your distribution doesn't include it, but with Flatpak you can install Steam or Mumble.
So to summarize, anything dealing with Linux is going to be a pain. Just focus on using the actual tools you need or else you'll waste time working on your operating system.
Could you explain why you don't want to use Mint or Ubuntu?
Just use Mint. Don't fall for MES and waste your time with gentoo and whatnot.
I use Mint. It's simple, has plenty of desktop environments, and respects your privacy. Pretty good. If you are a noob with computers why are you trying to overcomplicate things? Boot up a Live CD with Linux Mint in the different desktop environments and see which one you like the most by default or which one you find easiest to configure to your liking. I really don't think you can go wrong with Linux Mint Cinnamon edition though, it's made by the Mint devs and looks pretty similar to what people are used to with things like Windows 7 before it went all corporate mobile whatever.
It is not as hasslesome to reinstall linux distros as it is to reinstall windows, it can be fairly easy because you just copy over your home directory with your settings and files (or not destroy the partition it was on). With that in mind just view your first distro as training wheels, which you can change once you've learned the basic concepts. So just give those a try for a few weeks and then you'll know what you want and don't want in a linux distro.
Personally I started with MX Linux because it ran off a USB, was advertised as beginner friendly, and I was told to avoid systemd (which has caused problems sometimes because many packages (applications) forget to list it as a dependency). I would recommend it.
systemd is fine.
Use OpenBSD
No, use Slackware.
No, use Ubuntu. No, use Gentoo. No, use Arch. No, use Fedora. No, use openSUSE. No, use Mint. No, use PopOS. No, use Debian. No, use Trisquel. No, use
For a complete beginner in the *nix world, in my experience, for pedagogical purposes, installing Arch from scratch taught me best to respect the command line, sudo'ing, updates and package managers, debugging (your own stupidity), window managers, and ***this. Just consult the almighty archwiki and you can learn all by yourself.
***being cozy with the command line teaches you how the names of the default bash/gnu/linux commands/programs don't make a lick of goddamn sense and why the *BSDs are a godsend. fuck all of that shit. also, *BSDs are complete operating systems (so there's cohesion in the default programs shipped) instead of "Linux"'s "modular" approach. never been a fan of that
best linux distro here https://9front.org/